Main AFK cloaky thread

This would be pretty cool, I like it.

FTFY. If a player is so risk adverse they cannot undock with one person in system they should move back to HS.


Why should less-confident or lower-skill players be allowed to succeed? Why should we change the game to let them have participation trophies instead of telling them to get better at EVE and earn their success?


Thank you, I appreciate that you took time to read it.

This has been mentioned before, but no module in the game has any type of disadvantage from being used for long periods of time. Why should the cloak module be treated differently, what about other module types become damaged (and somehow damage other items on the rack) if it is used for long periods of time without maintenance or overhauls?

And again, simply nerfing the cloak module is not the answer. That just ruins cloaking for all cloak playstyles.

So 1 guy was camping an entire region??? Seems like if he was even at his computer (therefore not AFK) he would be too busy looking at 30 different windows, to bother you in your system. You could probably even counter his cloaked vessel by having 2 people in your system, one on protection duty.


Participation trophies. That was awesome.

First I dunno if this is the right place to propose new ideas, if it’s not, sorry and plz move it to the right place.

Second, I know no matter how much I state this is not QQ I’ll get trolled anyway, but for the honest reader this statement seems to inform this is some raw idea about turning cloacked ships into content, just like the others.

Now my simple rationale behind the idea: All things controlled by players in EVE should be content, of course cloaked ships are in a sense, but EVE space is SOOOOO huge it creates a certain security to cloaked ships to stay in a spot and just stay there ad infinitum. While I totally understand it’s kinda their role, it encourages some douchbagery from players (AMEM TO THAT) which is totally the way EVE works, so using the same principles, why not apply it to the other side? Wanna watch TV cloaked no problem, but this is EVE, you should be in risk.

So if the rationale is acceptable, my idea is not some button to decloak or anything, I like to introduce the idea of a ship with some special Dscan resource than can see cloaky stuff, so you couldnt pin point it so easily, but hunt for it with your micro warp drive. So it’s not big deal to cloakys paying attention, but it got two major sides:
1 - It creates content and an idea for a new ship involving Dscan;
2 - It makes EVE more interesting and competitive instead of giving people an resource to be eternally AFK;

This idea is not meant to break cloaky rule or anything, just make them work for it. They could warp in cloak so a smart cloaky would warp around and make a hunter crazy, but AFK people would think two times before going AFK. Just like WE and CCP did with Krabbers.

So this last line is the cornerstone of my idea, nobody should be 100% safe while out in space, we kinda already brought it to miners and ratting, why not to cloakys, but without breaking their functionality.

This has the pontential to bring EVE to new level, plz consider with care. I’m not saying my idea is perfect, but it’s sure not QQ, just trying to improve the game.

Thank you for your time.

First I dunno if this is the right place to propose new ideas, if it’s not, sorry and plz move it to the right place.

Second, I know no matter how much I state this is not QQ I’ll get trolled anyway, but for the honest reader this statement seems to inform this is some raw idea about turning cloacked ships into content, just like the others.

Now my simple rationale behind the idea: All things controlled by players in EVE should be content, of course cloaked ships are in a sense, but EVE space is SOOOOO huge it creates a certain security to cloaked ships to stay in a spot and just stay there ad infinitum. While I totally understand it’s kinda their role, it encourages some douchbagery from players (AMEM TO THAT) which is totally the way EVE works, so using the same principles, why not apply it to the other side? Wanna watch TV cloaked no problem, but this is EVE, you should be in risk.

So if the rationale is acceptable, my idea is not some button to decloak or anything, I like to introduce the idea of a ship with some special Dscan resource than can see cloaky stuff, so you couldnt pin point it so easily, but hunt for it with your micro warp drive. So it’s not big deal to cloakys paying attention, but it got two major sides:
1 - It creates content and an idea for a new ship involving Dscan;
2 - It makes EVE more interesting and competitive instead of giving people an resource to be eternally AFK;

This idea is not meant to break cloaky rule or anything, just make them work for it. They could warp in cloak so a smart cloaky would warp around and make a hunter crazy, but AFK people would think two times before going AFK. Just like WE and CCP did with Krabbers.

So this last line is the cornerstone of my idea, nobody should be 100% safe while out in space, we kinda already brought it to miners and ratting, why not to cloakys, but without breaking their functionality.

This has the pontential to bring EVE to new level, plz consider with care. I’m not saying my idea is perfect, but it’s sure not QQ, just trying to improve the game.

Thank you for your time.

No thanks. Something along these lines has been proposed plenty of times already.

That to begin with is a bad premise. In many cases a cloak could be considered a form of “docking”. In WH space, in hostile space, it can be the only form of “safety” for the hunted. Read my story a bit up for an example. Sometimes the cloaked player is not the hunter but the hunted.

I would agree that any ship in space “performinc some activity” shouldn’t be 100% safe. But a cloaked ship cannot really “do” anything. It cannot lock, it cannot fire. It cannot deploy probes. It cannot jump a gate or wormhole. A good combat prober can even potentially catch it logging off.

Just because you are piss your pants scared to undock doesn’t make the cloaked ship “douchbagery”, it just makes you a coward.

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So with this one click of d-scan… you instantly know there is a cloaked vessel somewhere in system.

Congratulations, you have broken W-Hole Space.

You are simply giving scared null-bears and botters even more safety and intel, and nerfing every kind of cloaking gameplay (not just AFK Cloakers)


No it doesn’t, because people will just log off when they go AFK so they can’t be attacked. The only thing your proposal does is make local a more effective tool for avoiding PvP, generating less content.

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From the locked merged content:

Miners can AFK, they can’t BOT.

And what “activity” is the cloaked ship doing?

I love the fact that an AFK player is the most dangerous thing in Eve to some players…


If there is one thing that CCP has done correctly it is that they have maintained a great stance on cloaking. I am very happy they have left cloaking exactly the way it is and I will be even happier if they continue being extremely stubborn on this matter and never change it for eternity.

I will never accept any sort of cloaky argument, It is the same people that are nice and happy when they are using cloaky to transport goods safely, but then very miserable when someone uses the same tech to cloak up in a system they want to work in. Simply avoid the cloaky camped system for a while and bore them.


now tell me pls, how do you want avoid something, when in every system is a camper?

What is it you are trying to do in the system? What sec is the system you are in, sorry your screenshot is not very easy to see.
Have your corp provide protection. If your Corp is claiming a system they must have a plan for protecting it?

Just think… if you can gather 3294 individuals or alts who can log on and stay connected all day, you can then run the most dangerous corp in all of nullsec by camping every system!


what you on my screenshot, ist in nullsec, i camped all their active systems “ALL” if they moved to an other system, i added an additional camper and so on. there is no limit, and you can just simple"hide" . all ratting ships have to dock up or live with the risk be dropped by covertships every second… now tell me pls. is it a fair gameplay? NO, this is ■■■■■■■■ gameplay, but ccp force us to play like that.

No, only the chickenshit people have to.

And your cov ops statement is ■■■■■■■■. It’s not realistic and shows that you know crap about PvP and cov ops.

You are just a pixel coward with excuses.


If only cloaking 1 was allowed on Alpha accounts, I’d totally do this.