Main AFK cloaky thread

Yea we could maybe even add a random minigame. Or even a CAPTCHA so they can prove the aren’t a bot…

But yes let’s make everyone suffer because some people don’t like cloakies hanging out in their system.

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Blockquote But yes let’s make everyone suffer because some people don’t like cloakies hanging out in their system.

I wasn’t aware everyone was afk all the time

Great misread. Did you do that on purpose?

Not really sure who miss-understood whom. My main point was dealing with AFK. Active cloak can stay as long as it wants. I just don’t like afk everything

There is nothing wrong in general with being AFK. There are some activites that lend themselves to being more “afk” even if the player is at the keyboard but multitasking other things.

There are times that AFK is necessary. I had a time once (I’ve spent most of my eve life in WH space) where I was being hunted through a wormhole chain. My way home collapsed. I wasn’t even in a covert ops, just a full industrial with a basic cloak. I ended up being able to cloak at a safe. They bubbled all wormholes, and had combat probes out trying to find me. Even logging off could have gotten me killed as a good combat prober could have caught me e-warping at logout.

I ended up sitting cloaked for HOURS to stay alive. yes at one point I even walked away. Should I be forced to click a button to legitimately hide from my hunters? It is a legitimate defense tactic to out-wait my attackers.


and the misread was the obvious over the top take away that I was saying “everyone is afk all the time”


Good points.

I think my miss read was thinking you missed my AFK point and I understood you saying this would affect everyone to hurt cloaky campers. I only meant to deal with AFK part of it all.

My only point is that there are legitimate activites that may not need user input for extended periods of time, regardless of whether the player is actively at their computer or not. I’m not a fan of adding tedious tasks for everyone just to cover one situation that some people dislike.

Fair enough. Thank you for a courteous exchange of ideas.

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Boy, when does that ever happen in the forums. :grinning:

I haven’t botted since about 2010. And when play, I AM NEVER AFK. Just the thought of having an acct banned was enough for me back then. And losing a ship because I was AFK has never happened. I screw up and lose ships of course, but I go down with my ship active.

But this is a good example of how CCP will nerf cloaking for everyone instead of breaking the playstyle of abuse. Nerfing ships/mods in response to play styles just hurts the new/small time player. CCP “seems” to realize this now and again, “seems” to be trying again. All we can do is hope for a better future…

Occasionally I can keep my inner troll at bay.

This whine thread has existed since cloaking existed. If they haven’t touched it in the last 2 decades I don’t expect them to do anything anytime soon.

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Point taken, thank Gawd! I have more fun just ramming them while coming out of cloak from proximity and hitting mwd! The bounce isn’t all that great, but they have to scramble to get away. I don’t even bother to kill them anymore, I just enjoy scaring the crap outta them! :upside_down_face:

Great. But you have to actually look at the consequences of making a change, not just your initial opinion of the subject. And in the case of a nerf to AFK cloaking it’s nothing more than a buff to risk-averse farmers. With this hypothetical nerf in place nobody is going to stay logged in while AFK anymore because the risk of being located and destroyed is too high. That means local becomes a 100% accurate intel tool for risk-averse farmers to avoid PvP. If a player is present in local then they are guaranteed to be active and you dock up. As soon as they cease to be an active threat they disappear from local, informing you that it’s now safe to resume farming. And if they decide to come back they will appear in local with plenty of warning to allow you to dock again before they can attack.

Now, is AFK cloaking ideal? No. But it’s the only acceptable option if CCP refuses to nerf local.

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How does doing that make a cloaked ship vulnerable to players? Last I checked they would still be at any personal bookmark out in space and legitimately 100% safe.

Because CCPs track record is steller. How long did it take them to try and make wardecs less aids?

I know, because you’re a bot just like the other half a dozen repeat repliers in this thread. I honestly wish I knew why you feel so threatened by players pointing out an issue they have. It would be quite the valuable data: someone so fragile that still plays a game that is so unforgiving.

Highsec players have ways and means of responding and mitigating hostile threats. Lowsec is dead, so it doesn’t matter (please keep running those DED sites in low in ships that can’t cloak!)
Cloaked bois and cloaky nano-gangs though, now THAT’s risk adverse. As is hiding in/on wormholes. Are you the chad brawler, or the virgin nano-ganger?

In all honestly, why are you scared of change/risk? Asking for a psychiatrist friend.

It’s pretty easy to do so. They have limited entry and exit points that are randomized. Very different beast to being out in the real game. It’s quite safe in a WH.

It’s not terrible, but the window to respond seems abit too slow. Double the re-cloaking delay and have decloaking bloom your signature? Perhaps a timer to forbid warping could help, but that might be too much (for non-covert cloaks at least)

Eh it’s a good idea that’s immediately stopped by someone who setup a macro. It would be quite difficulty for CCP to detect said macro in this case

Now all things considered, if we look at this part of a recent CCP dev blog:

Notice the parts regarding hard counters and weaknesses? That’s something we need addressed for everything in the game, not just capitals when low-tier pvpers complain about them.

To say nothing of cloaking being high reward for low/no risk. But that’s been said countless times here.

Made you look.

Counter what? A cloaked ship can’t do anything.


It can scare you! :scream:


It doesn’t. No plausible gameplay change will ever make an active cloaked ship vulnerable because it can always warp to new safespots faster than you can chase it. What removing local would do is remove AFK cloaking because everyone will just log off when they go AFK.

I know, because you’re a bot just like the other half a dozen repeat repliers in this thread.

That’s pretty ironic coming from someone who keeps reposting the same anti-cloaking whine every few weeks as if the previous arguments pointing out your errors never happened.

To say nothing of cloaking being high reward for low/no risk

Nonsense. Cloaking is zero risk for zero reward. The only way to get any reward out of cloaking is to turn off the cloak and take a risk.


Irrelevant. You cannot take any offensive action while cloaked.

Anyhow, how can something be “covert” if their name is plastered all over local.


I don’t think any code can counter Pixel Cowardice?


I don’t feel threatened by AFK cloaking, or by proposals meant to counter it.

I simply state, repeatedly, that the problems that folks who want to “fix” AFK cloaking are trying to solve are not about cloaking, they are about local and human psychology. If you think that pointing out these facts repeatedly makes me a bot…maybe you should take a look at the people who keep trying to fix what isn’t broken.

I mean…how long have we been having this discussion with zero change in how cloaking works? I find it amusing that people even try to get this changed anymore.

For reference, although I used to be an active practitioner of AFK cloaking (pun totally intended), I haven’t done it myself for a number of years (it’s kind of pointless when you’re in such a small corp like mine). I have no skin in this game, I don’t feel threatened by the possibility of cloaking mechanics changing to counter AFK cloaking. I just firmly believe that caving to demands by a loud minority against rational thinking is bad for game balance.


Agreed. The issue with cloaking camping is not the camping part it’s the afk part you should be forced to atleast a semi active activity. If your cloaked in the same system for 5 or 6 hours the heat build up should overheat the cloak and destroy it and potentially other modules on the high rack. The heat should only disappear through spending time decloaked or docking up.

If played a long time but this last year is the only time I have seen an entire region camped by 1 dude in nearly every system force time of nearly more than 6 months, the tactic really offers limited content for the camper whilst denies content for many of the less confident or skilled camped.

It typically results in a large number of those camped simply logging off after checking pi or skills etc because once they know that this camper is mostly afk and wont get sick of it, if they have no other place to go do their thing they log.