Main AFK cloaky thread

Wow, @ISD_Sakimura caught this one pretty quickly.

For accuracy: The root of the issue is actually paranoia. Local is the tool which feeds it. From this perspective, the solution would be not having people around who whine about afk cloakers, which is what we would be getting when CCP got rid of local, as evidenced by The Blackout.

People tend to see the blame in something else so much, they stopped looking at root causes where they emanate from: the human.

Cloak campings are OK. It is the permanent and + AFK part that it is wrong.

You should have to be at the keyboard a fair amount of time, and you should be able to perform it for only a determined amount of time. The cloak should have a cycle, that you have to refresh, and consum a type of fuel, that eventually runs off.

A cargo fit cloakcamper, full of fuel, and having to perform some kind of task at the client each 5 - 10 minutes, would be good to hold a cloak camp for 8 hours maxmimum, for example.

Or maybe a pricy upgrade for the Ihub that removes all cloaks in the system when pulsed, so it is up to the probing skill and determination of the system owner to break the campā€¦

What is wrong is your paranoia of someone who isnā€™t there, probably rooting from that lack of balls youā€™re suffering from. One could argue that his personal problem is the lack of a fleet ready and willing to defend him when ā– ā– ā– ā–  hits the fan, but that would just prove you canā€™t defend your nullsec spot and thus are not entitled to keeping or using it.

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This aint Star Trek and the baddies are not Romulan :slight_smile:




He should try WH space with no local tooā€¦

Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve been in Wormhole space with no local and dscan canā€™t detect 1/10th of whats hiding there.

Then youā€™ll want to be able to cloak constantly, or youā€™re dead!

Try fly through wormholes, lowsec and see how long you last without cloak! Not the mention nullsec.

Woa, you mad for some reason. No, not about paranoia, IĀ“m not even living in any sov null, is just common sense. In fact, more than often I have stalked for prey during hours, cloaked, and not really playing to this game, but to others, while having just 1/10 of the screen with the eve client showing local and overview.

The game has already eliminated or it is in the verge of eliminate every afk and 24/7 playstile. They nerfed VNIĀ“s, they nerfed anomally respawn, they nerfed 1.500.000 m3 rocksā€¦ This just another one that will surely go, and I was just adressing some plausible ways to do it without removing the cloakcamping concept as a whole.

But man, calm down.

No, Iā€™m not. Nothing I said hints at me being mad, thatā€™s just youā€™re faulty percepeption of people who call you out for your lack of balls. You can not be a part of null and still, because of your lack of balls, believe that there is a problem. Youā€™re instead ignoring the actual problem, which afk camping counters, which just further underlines how you lack balls and instead defend self declared victims, who like you also lack balls.

Worse, those you speak for are potentially botters and RMTers, who are the people being affected by afk cloaky campers the most. Every time you speak against afk cloaky camping, you speak for RMTers and botters. You know, the guys who instantly start warping when someone enters local, as if it was magic. The guys who have the biggest interest in farming all day in perfect safety, because it affects their real life income.

I donā€™t believe you and most others wonā€™t either.

Those arenā€™t playstyles, theyā€™re things people do in the game. Nonetheless, the player who plays the afk cloaky camper isnā€™t playing. His pilot is sitting in space, doing nothing. Not even mining. You would understand that this is not a problem.

AFK cloaky camping is the counter to people who magically manage to dock up the second someone enters local. Itā€™s the counter to perfect intel providing perfect safety. No matter what you say and no matter what argument you bring up, any and all things you say will always be for the benefit of the rmters and botters, because they suffer from afk cloaking the most.

Thatā€™s so much of a fact that you canā€™t weasel yourself around it. No matter what idea is being brought up, in the end the rmters and botters would benefit. Therefore you canā€™t have a change, no matter what you say.



Woa, you GENUINELLY mad!

Well, time will tell. not that I care much tbh.

Unlike you dude, are you okay? Need to speak to someone about wahtever the thing?

But you are not addressing a plausible way of doing it. You are simply adding nerfs to the cloaker without any benefits.

You are simply looking at this from the point of view that some ā€˜people 23/7 AFK Cloakā€™ and i dont like it, so lets blanket nerf cloaked vessels so this is not possible. And those people who use cloaks for any other playstyle can suck it.

As has been said time and time again, the reason people AFK Cloak is to counteract the overpowered all-seeing local. If you want to address AFK-Cloaking, you have to address Local.

EDITED: from 24/7 to 23/7

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You have a point here, indeed. Some benefit is probably needed if a nerf is going to happen.

ThatĀ“s not something IĀ“m buying. ā€œThe local problemā€ was adressed with the blackoutā€¦ much to the companyĀ“s earnings dismay. If someone at CCP still sees a problem with local, he knows that it canĀ“t be adressed again if he wants to keep the job.

How can you cloak 24/7?

Every server downtime causes all ships to decloak and warp out of flyable space.
On login these ships fly back to roughly where they were uncloaked.

Not to forget lockon delay when you uncloak. Very few ships have any bonus to this, and to counter this lockon delay costs rigs and lowslots and midslots, this comes at the cost off other module/rig units.

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There are other ways to change local besides turning it completely off.

Sheesh, Whoop Whoop, its the sound of the Semantics Police. :grin:

Iā€™ll edit my post to 23/7

So, Iā€™ve posted this before, but will again, because I still think it goes some way to removing the need to AFK CLoak, but still provides some form of Local to residents.

Cloak removes players from local (and denies them Local)
If they break cloak for any amount of time they stay in local for a minimum 30 sec then drop out again when they reactivate cloakā€¦

This makes cloaks really cloakie, still gives other players Localā€¦ Makes it pointless to AFK cloak, and makes it so people have to work to both actively hunt while cloaked and pay attention while ratting.

Now, the Covert-ops cloaker has to make themselves visible/detectable to gain intel on the local system. He can warp from belt to belt, but if he wants to probe, or check on the local channel (or possibly even dscan) to see how many & where people are in system, then he must break cloak. This gives the residents the time to spot him, if they are paying attention.

This 30s visibility in Local between cloaks would aso activate when jumping into the system, between coming through the gate and activation your cloak module (the flip from gatecloak to module-cloak would not change, but you would appear in Local when coming through for a minimum of 30sec). Defenders of a system should really watch whats going on around them and they will be able to notice a cloaker is coming in, and act accordingly.

Here we make:
AFK-Cloaking pointless
Active Cloakers can catch botters
Even system defenders can use cloaks to hide their defense ships (Spring a nice bait trap on that cloaker in your system)

Anyway, the idea will be shot down by the null-bears, and Botters. They want all cloaks nerfed on the pretext that AFK is bad mkay!

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Okay, letā€™s say youā€™re right. Explain why Iā€™m supposedly mad.

Iā€™ll help you with the facts:

Iā€™m not the one asking for a change. You are.
Iā€™m not the one crying in a thread about something that isnā€™t going to change. You are.
Iā€™m not the one who insists on how everyone has been wrong for literally years. You are.
Iā€™m not the one who is afraid of people who arenā€™t there. You are.
Iā€™m not the one who has his real life income on the line. You are.
Iā€™m not the one ignoring that time already tells that things arenā€™t going to change. You are.
Iā€™m not the one declaring ā€œu mad broā€ like an underage virgin teabagger. You are. :smiley:

Now please explain how Iā€™m the mad one, when youā€™re the one crying about how the evil man who isnā€™t there is scaring the everlasting ā– ā– ā– ā–  out of him. :smiley:

Show me that youā€™re smarter than I am. Explain why Iā€™m mad. I dare you! :blush:
Please, please, humour me! :smiley:


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Not even asking, just a proposal, but seriously, I donĀ“t care.

No, seriously, no crying here, IĀ“m okay, I insist, I donĀ“t even live in sov null.

I havenĀ“t insisted nothing. I made literally ONE proposal, and even gave credit to another person that argumented that it isnĀ“t a good one.

Nope, not afraid. Check my killboard I DO kill people while camping cloaked. OTHERS are afraid if iĀ“m in local.


ā€œtime will tellā€ doesnĀ“t mean ā€œand prove me rightā€ Seriously, just time will tell. It seems that this havenĀ“t been a problem for years indeed, maybe it will keep that time. Relax, time will tell.

Cause you are one of the MADDEST users I have seen in time, as I will explain below:

You lie, you use profanities, you react exaggeratedly and aggressively to opinions against yours, you use ad hominem fallacies, you take a different opinion as a brag of being smarter than you, and you even responded to a message without quoting or using the repply button in the raging vortex of your madness.

For all of this, it is evident to anyone that u, undoubtfully, mad.

Another option is add a 1 hour timer to ALL modules and drones in that if a command is not given to them for 1 full hour, they shut off.
AFK mine? Only for 1 hour then re-apply drones, modules.
AFK cloak? Only for 1 hour then re-apply cloak
AFK rat? Defensive mods and repair shut off after 1 continuous hour of no commands. If not AFK easily re-applied. Offensive mods will obviously not be affected due to target changes

Will this stop bots? Probably not, but it might point them out as to who is botting? Also keeps the afk person on their toes a little more (across the board and not just cloak)