Main AFK cloaky thread

Yes I understand why people AFK Cloak. But in my suggestion, the cloaked vessel is removed from local, therefore they can hunt the BOTs or scared ZeroSecers because local will be blue. Residents will have to keep an eye on local, and pay attention when people come into the system, or drop cloak to scan etc.

This forces zero sec residents to actually pay attention and gather their own intel, protect the system they are claiming is ‘theirs’.

As the cloaker (in my suggestion) is denied local/scanning/Dscan they will have to drop cloak occasionally to get intel for themselves, this gives residents the chance to notice them, and gather their own intel. Someone appears in Local, start DScanning, get an understanding of where they are in system…

You can even have your defense ships cloaked nearby, the cloaker will have no knowledge of them, spring your own trap.

The issue with having a tool to ‘Find’ cloaks, it that everything I ever see being suggested is straight up nerf or outright breaks cloaks. If you can suggest something that does not nerf cloaks, or give someone instant intel that there is a cloaked vessel somewhere in system, then that would be a good start.

A solution that does not involved Structures or arrays.

So there has been a problem in Eve that has persisted for many years.

Cloaky camping, the act of sitting cloaked in a system for hours at a time, some times AFK, sometimes not.

Cloaky Camping adversely affects game play in several ways:

  1. Prevents PVE players from being willing to undock, thus reducing the potential for content.
  2. Gives FCs advanced warning of hostile fleets by allowing eyes to remain in hostile staging systems watching staging structures, thus increasing their evasion chances and reducing potential combat.
  3. Gives advanced warning to PVE players in pockets causing them to dock up in advance of a hostile fleet entering the area, thus decreasing the potential for content (possibly applies to AFK miners/ratters, and or botters)
  4. Reduces willingness of people to move assets through space via stargates, jump bridges, and/or pharolux cynosural beacons, reducing the potential for content.

While many suggestions have been put forward, nothing has yet been done about this and i feel it’s about time something is.

The main issue that needs to be addressed is the act of sitting in one spot cloaked for many hours at a time usually AFK, or with little to no input from the user, allowing a single person with dozens of alts to maintain a presence across great swaths of space with very little effort or input.

Or to put it another way, a cloaky camper requires attention only 1-5% of the time it is in a system, where as any counter to this potential threat requires constant attention 100% of the time.
The advantage goes to the group who is taking none of the risk as opposed to the group who is trying to live in, operate out of, and maintain sov in the area.

I feel it would be wrong to adversely affect those who are legitimately at their computer for one reason or another, evading hunting parties, etc, so i suggest the following:

First the things that will not be changed:

  • Cloaked ships maintain all on grid properties, such as disappearing from the screen, being unable to be approached, orbited, etc
  • Cloaked Ships will still be decloaked when an object is within 2000m of them.
  • Cloaked ships can still maneuver as normal, warping cloaked where currently able, and with no additional speed reductions over what is currently applied by the cloaking device they are using.
  • A cloaked ship is still able to be warped to by a fleet member.

Now for the changes:

  • Cloaking modules now have to be loaded with a charge for the specific racial sensor strength of the ship they are fitted to; EG Rader for Amarr, Ladar for Minmitar, Gravametric for Caldari, Magnometric for Gallente, etc.
  • These charges are a consumable with a volume of 0.001m3 each.
  • Cloaked ships appear only as an “Unidentified Cloaked Object” on the probe scanner at all times.
  • Each cloaking device reduces a ships signature radius by a set amount as a property inherent to the module, and not any loaded charge.
  • Each cloaking devices consumes charges at a rate of 1 charge per second, but can hold variable amounts of charges according to their meta level:
  • A cloaking device can continue to run without charges loaded once the charges have run out, but will only receive the signature radius reduction bonus and no sensor strength bonus.

Prototype: Can hold 4800 charges (4.8m3), with a 30% signature radius reduction, and a 60 second reload time.
Improved: Can hold 5400 charges (5.4m3), with a 50% signature radius reduction, and a 45 second reload time.
Covert Ops: Can hold 7200 charges (7.2m3), with a 95% signature radius reduction, and a 30 second reload time.
Faction: Can hold 10800 charges (10.8m3), with a 99% signature radius reduction, and a 3 second reload time. (Can only be fitted to a Battleship class hull or larger.)
Officer: Can hold 14400 charges (14.4m3), with a 99.95% signature radius reduction, and a 1 second reload time. (Can only be fit to a capital class hull or larger.)

These charges increase the racial signal strength of the ship they are fitted to by 1,000% while the cloaking device is active.

The signature radius reduction inherent to the module itself means that a ship does not necessarily have to have the correct racial charge loaded, or any charge at all, to have their signature radius reduced, but they will not receive the sensor strength bonus without the specific charge.

The aim of these changes is to make it possible to probe down ships which are maintaining an AFK presence in a system, while making it possible to continue to evade hostiles and maintain a cloaked presence in system with a small amount of input from the account holder.

All your problems are solved by removing local.


When are these whingers going to realise that CCP obviously approves of cloaky camping, and isn’t about to do anything to nerf it ? This thread alone has been going for nearly 3 years, and cloaky camping is still with us…


5 years, actually. It’s just a continuation of the thread on the old forums, which itself was a response to constantly closing redundant whiny threads the decade before that.

CCP hasn’t done anything about cloaking camping for the past 15 years because it simply isn’t a problem to anyone but the imbeciles who have no business being in nullsec in the first place.


Cloaky camping doesn’t cause those things, the ability to see that local isn’t blue does.

The problem isn’t cloaking at all, it’s players being unwilling to operate in systems that aren’t 100% safe.

This isn’t a result of game mechanics, it’s human psychology and you cannot patch human psychology.

-1. I didn’t even bother reading your proposal because you’re trying to fix a non-issue, just like people have been trying to fix this particular non-issue for a decade or more.


Please see my update.

Or to put it another way, a cloaky camper requires attention only 1-5% of the time it is in a system, where as any counter to this potential threat requires constant attention 100% of the time.
The advantage goes to the group who is taking none of the risk as opposed to the group who is trying to live in, operate out of, and maintain sov in the area.

Your update doesn’t change anything. The problem has always been local.

Honestly it has never made sense that a truly covert ops ship can’t be covert as they show up in local. The whole issue of afk cloaky players is the fact that they can sit cloaked but also be visible in local. If they weren’t visible they wouldn’t need to spend hours cloaked in system.

Honestly in the same vein it has never made sense why concord bothers to offer local services to 0.0 space. It makes sense in high and low, where they maintain some level of empire control, but not 0.0. Local should be a service offered by some SOV structure that must be maintained, and defended.


Unless you’ve found a way to patch human psychology, whatever you proposed, updated or not, won’t change anything.


Gotta love nullbears. The most risk averse players in the game. Scared to death to undock because of an unknown in their system. Meanwhile, high and low sec players run the risk of getting ganked every second of every day, yet they still undock and go about their business…


Why ? Your update was every bit as stupid and pointless as your original post.


Not AFK Cloaking… you are taking about active cloaking here.

Cloak fuel has been suggested MANY times, and is not a solution, this severely nerfs active cloak playstyles as well.

Again, nothing original about this, and CONGRATULATIONS you have instantly broken all of WH Space.
One click of your probes and you know how many cloaked vessels are in the system.

Nothing here but huge cloak nerfs and giving nullbears even more instant intel so they can hide from any of this “potential content” you are touting.


I’ve been making that suggestion for years. Good luck with that ever happening. This is Eve, common sense has no place here.

*runs from room laughing*

STOP your killing me :rofl:

Being a pixel coward and being AFRAID to undock are not game problems!


It’s only pixels :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As someone who has pitched radical ideas myself and gotten blapped for it, I can appreciate how strongly you feel about this. However, I must agree with everyone else on a number of points:

  1. The root to your issue is Local. You can pop your head in and out and achieve a similar effect (even taking advantage of gate cloak)
  2. What you are describing is arguably not an issue to begin with
    1. Cloaky camps are realistic, lore-appropriate, analogous to features of other games (and real life), and ultimately are desirable gameplay by most in both PVE and PVP
    2. There are numerous counters to cloaky gate camps and the intel advantages they provide
    3. If players want to sit at a gate all day every day, that’s their loss. If they have multiple accounts and can do this without negatively impacting their ability to play, it’s their ISK/$$$ sunk (more PLEX sunk = healthier for the economy anyway)
  3. Your solution is completely impractical, not lore appropriate, and severely limits the value of cloaks to near uselessness, and eliminates uses of cloaks other than cloaky camping (such as exploration), and removes a form of gameplay most actually enjoy

Focus on counters for AFK cloaks, of which there is no shortage - there is no need to change the mechanics themselves over this.


I think cloak means one has to produce less signals as possible. How comes you can launch a d-scan radar and stay cloaked? Using d-scan must drop your cloak, so you have to re-cloak yourself, IMHO.

There’s an official tears thread for cloaks.


It acts like Probe scan which can be done when cloaked, but probe launch requires ship to be uncloaked.

Exactly my point.