
To be honest, other than some kind of crazy spider tanking or dual rep Tachyon Paladin build, I can’t think of a marauder than needs more CPU/PG. They’re all pretty forgiving on PG due to running so few guns and being so effective on reps with bastion, even with all T2 modules. This is of course talking about PVE.

That said the Paladin especially has some real trouble with applying dps and is only running 25mb of drones (while having 75m3 of bay space. Being able to run mediums would be a decent boost.

That said, the dps between a Paladin running polarised pulse with conflag and Hob IIs is identical to a Vargur running Polarised ACs with Hail and Hammer IIs, both with the same number of damage mods (4 damage mods and a a rig). Even the end of falloff is nearly the same with the same range mods (2 comps and an enahncer).

The only real difference is in application, with the Vargur having better tracking and the paladin having much better optimal. Also the Paladin is locked on damage type while the Vargur’s dps goes down if it selects a different damage type.

I don’t know if the Paladin needs a boost if it so closely matches the performance of the Vargur unless I’m missing something.

I think he means that the paladin is

  • locked to em/thermal so less usefull against angel, while the vargur can still use EMP
  • bad tracking is very important. IT’s less important when you are moving, as this allows you to make the rats follow you, but vs orbiting rats, in a stationary ship, this may become an issue.
    also, grappler are useless (go for T2 web), because you won’t get in range (I think it’s better than web only under 4km)
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I know, I mentioned that. Reduced DPS for Vargur with selectable damage application. With Hail against Angels the Vargur is as good as the Paladin is against Sansha/Blood. Vargur will be worse against Sansha/Blood but better against Guristas and would probably be even-ish against Serpentis or Drones.

Yup, mentioned that too however Paladin has much better optimal (although same falloff as Vargur). It’s primarily Angels that close in and Paladin is pretty bad at Angels to begin with. However with rats that tend to orbit much further (Sansha/Blood/some Serp/Gurista/some Drones) The paladin would trade blows with the vargur in efficiency. The Marauder is also actually relatively maneuverable with the MJD role bonus. Paladin as a bit easier time making use of it due to quick ammo switch out.

End of the day the two seem to be trading blows in terms of what rats they are good at and how well they apply damage to those rats. With equal damage output on the high end it’s difficult to see why the Paladin should get a buff.

T2 Grapples are only worse than T2 webs in a very small range (9-10km) and unless you have a BS bonused for webs (blood raiders/serp) always go for a grapple.

Edit: Grappler vs Web

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Oh wow, I did not know that about grapplers. That’s some good info.

my bad, tit’s 8km.

Thx for the graph.

Do you have it also for faction stuff ?

I guess the formula is speed_reduce = base * mult, with mult = 0.5^((range-opti)/falloff)² .
In that case I find they have same speed_reduce at d = 60/86*offset = 8.37 (+1=9.37 km because opti) while T2 has same at (7.06+1=) 8.06 km
and OL faction has 11.8 km.

ok I made the graphs.
OL are darker, web = dashed line and grappler=straight, I assume OL grappler only increase its optimal distance.

Thanks for the sympathy.:stuck_out_tongue: I am just more experienced in managing aggro with the rhm launchers and drones on a snake. A wave dropped just after I went into bastion. Dps was a bit too heavy to tank. It was pilot error, but still, as a ship I didn’t really enjoy flying in a golem as much as the snake.

I agree with you that there are ways I could improve my fit and flying for next time.

just don’t pop bastion before mjd.

golem has 200km ish range. align upward on arrival, mjd, bastion and turn it off, dakadakadaka

Caveat: I saw a Youtube vid once of a Golem attempting to do exactly that. I don’t know if it was a level 5 mission or a DED site or what…but due to the increased sig from the MJD spool, the Golem was alpha’d off the field in a single hit.

Be careful about when you activate that MJD.

the increased sig is not issue vs standard torp/cruise missiles. golem has 450m sig and 75 m/s after 15s (spoolup mjd is 9->12s) while inferno torpedo has 450m and 71 m/s.

I just did the epic caldari with a golem, dual T2 invul fit and expensive shield booster .
the price of silence in bastion I tanked the whole room without OL the invuls. Usually I do [across the line] but I ■■■■■■ up on mission selection.

That would be silly, given Paladin was always the strongest marauder in the game, on introduction by a mile, today still by a fairly sizeable margin.

Long read, but I am guessing you are gal mil considering you face hookbills.

Also titans can only be built in sov space, not wormholes.

what ? How comes ?

Because that’s the restriction applied. Station your wanting to build them in has to be in owned space.

The super capital shipyard module in a Sotiyo cannot be put online if the Engineering Complex is not in a system owned by your alliance.

Also, no wormhole linking Anoikis to New Eden allow supercapital to jump through, only carriers, FAX and Dreadnoughts. If I remember well, ships like the Orca and Freighters can use large wormholes.

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thank you that makes sense :slight_smile:

Sorry, I knew that they couldn’t, but I didn’t know the specifics why.

well now we both learnt something :=)

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