I can say that you can right off the bat rule out using Javelin torpedoes because the difference between Rage and Javelin is negligable when it comes to smaller targets, I would suggest only using javs if you are out of range;
Using 4x BCU, each ammo provides the following damage curve against a moving target of the indicated size-
I will not demonstrate that target painters, guidance enhancers and comps, and rigs will increase application as they all provide a flat percentage increase based on explosion radius or velocity, so the increase in application is relative and the magnitude difference remains the same, you will simply see the application displaced higher. So you should only use Javelin torpedoes to attract NPC’s outside of Rage range, which can be extended with comps, enhancers, rigs, etc.
With that demonsrated, and for your reading ease (and also to save me some time from continuously explaining why Javelin torpedoes are redundant) I will continue the post looking exclusively at the damage application of Rage torpedoes…
4 BCU’s is in my opinion, overkill due to stacking penalties. Fitting just three BCU’s and one Guidance Enhancer increases your damage application in all cases than using 4 BCU’s (Below you can see clearly that theoretical DPS is slipping as we remove damage mods in favour of application mods). This pattern is applicable to turret ships too, and generally, most modules (try and fit them in a 3a+1b config rather than a configuration of 4a)
Having established the best low slot configuration, we can move onto the best mid slots to use as these will give the next best increase in “real world” damage. Moving forward, we will assume that the Golem is using 3xBCU and 1x GE in its low slots.
The following damage curve is generated against two Golems; one using a Target Painter II, and the other using a Missile Guidance Computer II with a Precision Script-
You can see that the target painter and precision script Golems have increased their damage application to both targets, but there is no advantage between one or the other when attacking a battleship. The target painter wins out against smaller targets, (I have not included a BC target but the difference is markedly larger, again with the target painter winning) so when choosing between a GC or a TP; take the TP.
Fitting either (2x GC + 1x TP), or (1x GC + 2x TP) you get an identical distribution, with no effect against a battleship but nearly 200 extra DPS against a cruiser sized target. In conclusion, you should always use a target painter on a Golem over a Guidance computer IF you are looking at damage application.
I would generally advise fitting at least one GC though for range, using target painters to apply damage.
Moving on to Rigs, which generally offer the lowest return, we will assume you are using 2x target painters and 1x GC.
If you want to fit more than this, the most optimal way of applying damage is to use 3x TP and 1x GC, although using 2x TP should be sufficient, and you could use 2x GC with range scripts. We are at the point where anything we add now will have zero effect against battleships, which pool the most HP, so you need to consider whether you want to kill battleships quicker or cruisers (you only need one TP to reach maximum potential against a battleship).
To save you the reading, I can tell you now that rigors are better, despite all the signature flaring you are inflicting with your target painters, as there seems to be no stacking penalty against rigors and target painters + precision scripts. The difference is marginal (around 30 DPS with two of each), but enough to see that rigors should be fitted in place of flares (as you certainly will not be using torpedoes against fast moving frigates - you have a drone bay for that)
Below I have used three fits, one Golem is fitted with 2x Rigor II, and the other with a Calefaction II and 1x Rigor I, the final is fitted for more theoretical DPS using the rigs with 1x Loading Bay Accelerator I, and 1x Calefaction Catalyst I. We are now seeing the dilemma where you need to choose between more damage against battleships, or more damage against cruisers/battlecruisers.
It is evident that using the Calefaction and Rigor fit Golem you will do more damage against battleships than even the one fit for theoretical DPS. The theoretical DPS fit Golem is wanting against cruisers (it still does a significant amount of damage but isn’t as good as the other two). The 2x rigor fit Golem is the best at dealing with smaller targets, but you loose out on around 150 dps against battleships, which as stated earlier, are generally the largest pool of HP.
I would recommend the Golem fitted with a calefaction II and a rigor I, as gaining +150 dps against battleships will work through the net HP faster than the 150 dps lost against the cruisers. With that in mind, below is the fit you would use to maximise DPS potential of the Golem. I have left the mid slots you would use for tank and propulsion empty, so you have four slots free to play with.
[Golem, Golem - Max Damage Application - Skeleton Fit]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Target Painter II
Target Painter II
Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Precision Script
[Empty Med slot]
[Empty Med slot]
[Empty Med slot]
[Empty Med slot]
Torpedo Launcher II, Scourge Rage Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Scourge Rage Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Scourge Rage Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Scourge Rage Torpedo
Bastion Module I
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Large Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I