March 2019 Release - General Feedback

Well, I’ve seen the kind of damage that kind of ‘go be the secret police’ causes. It tears neighborhoods and communities apart. You see actual evidence, report it. But don’t go snooping. That’s not ‘saving the environment’, that’s ‘all the worst bits of the patriot act’.

I think if alliances have to carefully choose who they allow in their space because resources are more limited it won’t have much effect on normal active players who go on comms mess around and participate. The people who (hopefully) get ejected will be the ones who sit quietly botting hoping no one notices.

You think they don’t already have to be reasonably careful? They do. Totally set aside the ‘spy’ issue and just look at botting. Someone gets caught, CCP takes the ISK away. Including the ISK they’ve paid in taxes. That’s dangerous, and I’m reasonably sure I can explain why… cuz I already have, once:

It doesn’t stop there. Imagine all of the problems a negative alliance wallet can cause. PIRAT has a negwallet when the bills come due? Highsec wardecs drop. And that’s just highsec.

Sounds good to me. If you’re harboring enough bots to put your gargantuan coalition wallet into negative then you deserve it.

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Those are obtained via exploration - an indirect income source, and anomoly ratting which just had the spawn rate nerfed which in turn will reduce the number of escalations seen.

That is the definition of an indirect income source. You are receiving an item which you must then haul and sell. It’s literally the same mechanics used with WH blue loot. Nobody would call that “direct” isk as there is a cost and risk involved in obtaining your payout.

Hell, I’d rather see them remove bounties altogether from anoms and moving them to tags. That would slow everyone’s roll and require them to loot then haul to get their isk. Even with an alt following you it would slow down even the fastest ratting super and increase their risk significantly in getting their payout. But that will never happen, and some direct source of isk gen is actually needed.

edit - fixed formatting

Well, congratulations, that’s what’s already been happening. That’s the stuff that’s been in effect for a long, long time now. Without any additional ‘ooooooh, you guys need to be caaaaareful’. They already need to be careful. Just like Team Security is already working hard to fight botting.

All that, without pushing people to go spying on their neighbors.

No it wouldn’t. Just bookmark your MTUs and collect the tags after an hour or so while you wait for anom respawns.

BTW, you need to move that first /quote to the next line, and insert a carriage return after the second open quote. That’ll fix your formatting.

Yet we still have null bots going ham on those anoms… I’m looking forward to seeing the results from this change.

Yep. We do. Because again: You’ll never get rid of all of them.

A lot of games that used to be bot rampant have dealt with the problem in similar ways, by reducing the amount of “zones” where income can be generated to reflect live player activity. This results in the bots going lower down the chain to less profitable things (as we’ve seen with the distribution epidemic). Eventually they’re pushed to the bottom making it so unrewarding that a player playing actively can make a bots days work in less than an hour, greatly discouraging it.

When combined with active GM intervention and low profit it just isn’t worth it anymore. That’s the way to remove them, make it not worth it by making active players make so so so much more than them.

Those games also tend to limit you to 1 account. Alpha clones in VNIs can make plenty of ISK for free when you’re using a VPN and masquerading as a hundred different IP addresses… all for free.

The big thing is that those other games don’t have a commodity like PLEX in play… and at the same time, PLEX—that ability to shift demand around between the masses and the whales—is what makes CCP one of the industry leaders in microtransactions that don’t actually hurt the game’s balance.

If they cared about the economy they wouldn’t have made things pay to win with PLEX purchases. Reduce the free way to make isk, push more people to buy PLEX for money for big purchases, increase profits. Follow the money, the real money.

On the contrary the biggest one in my head was famous for its requirement of multi boxing. But you’re right I forgot you said “tend”.

Well, the biggest one in my head required you to sell your soul to C’thulu and sacrifice live children on the full moon.

Amazing what happens when you’re non-specific and imaginary, huh?

so… when we are going shoot at Jita Memorial? :nyanparrot::nyanparrot::nyanparrot:


I’m not sure if its against the rules to talk about other games but Lineage II had the bot problem and that’s how they got rid of it. I mean until they turned into a whale hunting microtransaction fest. The game was pretty impossible to play without many alts or very very trustworthy live players with no lives.

They dealt with it by making active play result in exponentially more rewards. So botting died down because it was pennies.

However you could have just asked for the game instead of your toxic sarcastic remark. I’m no longer really interested in your opinion or things you may have to say.

I could have, but every time I’ve asked you a question directly, you’ve avoided answering it in order to run around setting up straw men for a dozen posts. So this time, I didn’t bother.

Good evening all. I wanted to share my feelings about the recent change.

I am by no means an active Forum member (just look at the post count). I came here due to today’s changes to express my opinion and dissatisfaction with the changes that CCP has made to a wonderful game that decompresses me after work, exhilarates me during large battles, and even sometimes angers me when I lose a close fight, but that lets me learn from it.

I guess I am somewhat rare in EvE in that I only use one character for everything. I am a traditionalist MMO player in that way. I have other characters training, but my heart isn’t into it. To me Mezzo is my only character.

The changes CCP made today to the re-spawn rates of anomalies has completely and utterly destroyed my play style, and I assume it has done the same to many like mine. I trained a LONG time to be able to fly a Super, and all I wanted to do with it is decompress after work farming rats to fund my fun activities with my corp/alliance as well as the personal good feeling of having wealth. Not to mention there is something satisfying with chaining havens and going for good “ticks”.

CCP you have ruined this. You have literally forced anyone semi-serious about making ISK to go ONLY for Rorqual mining (aside from indy/reaction whatever, but all of that truly can source back to Rorq mining anyways) as well as pushing us to create a multitude of accounts. I can understand why you did it…who wouldn’t be scared in a bot filled world, but your solution is to punish players who enjoy the game naturally?
Who wouldn’t want to make money off a multitude of accounts, but what about your mid level player who just enjoys farming isk when he gets home from work and having fun while doing it on one character? Waiting 30 minutes for a Haven to re spawn is ridiculous. (yes I know its not exactly 30, but it feels like that and more with what it was). The change that was made was extremely drastic.

For whatever my 2 accounts are worth to you, I will be un-subscribing after posting this response. Hopefully CCP you can figure out whatever it is holding you back from finding botters, or maybe your intention is to segregate/force people into other methods of farming isk - I do not know, but to me it is illogical the amount of time you expect ratters to sit in space staring at the screen doing nothing. To me that is not gaming. (Side note - You have also lowered content for hunters because now there is less time ratters are in anoms, so there is less chance to be caught - somewhat against your entire foundation of the game I think…)

I love love love this game, I wish I had been playing it my whole life, but after testing the anom spawn rate the one thing I do 50-60% of the time is now destroyed so it is not worth my money to be aggravated.

Good luck all and CCP I hope you tread carefully because you are creating a large rift between your player base and yourselves. Remember your game is 15 years old and many of the things you are doing do not create a productive environment for new/returning players. (Lvl 4 Mission restrictions another example).

Take care, I appreciate the memories and will be back as soon (IF) this is fixed.

  • Mezzo

Mezzo what is stopping you from moving a system over or doing a different anomaly while the others respawn?


The amount of players around me? Its already a struggle to find an un-camped system.

Also, I have a noctis sitting on second account ready to loot/salvage any rare spawns it would be aggravating to have to move over and over on the “off chance” something drops because CCP is fixing…what again are they fixing with this change?

From what I gathered they want to make it a bit harder to make so much money. Raking in 700 an hour casually after work in a super is a good example of too much for too little risk. Sorry if my numbers aren’t accurate it’s just what I’ve been told. Never super ratted myself.

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