[March] Jump Fatigue Changes

I like this change overall but I don’t think the purpose of it is to make JF logistics more of a pain.

Perhaps a 75-100% reduction in tether timer for JFs?

Yes I know they can dock at every structure but this would be more of a QoL change.

This is all made so PL and friends can BRING more Supers. Most of the changes right now have been because PL is tired of working hard to kill stuff. So they Complain and CCP answers. Kinda like them saying Rorquals can’t be touched… yet Billions of ISK in Rorquals litter the Killboards.

PL: Structures are to powerful! They’re killing our Capitals.
CCP: Fear not my friends, we’ll Nerf them.
PL: Great! But now we’re tired of all the fatigue from Jumping our Titans around!
CCP: You got it guys! We’ll fix that.

I understand That it affects PL as well, but when People are brave enough to invade PanFam they don’t get to far… so it doesn’t really affect PL and Friends. Fact of the Matter is the game isn’t fun anymore when PL brings 75 Hels and 30 Titans to a SubCap fight. Hey they got the pilots why not. Making them pick and choose when and where to drop their Caps is pretty much the only way to have fun with it. Now they’ll be able to drop When and where they want to cause 5 hours later they can hit it again.

Unfortunately its as though anyone not in PanFam seems insignificant in CCP’s eyes. Cause if we complain, we get a “maybe” or “we’ll think about it”. But when PL complains… Some stuff happens… They get stronger… Because now with Sov changes and fatigue changes it will be next to impossible to defend Sov from PL as well as take it from them… Cause you’re gonna have to bring more than them which will be next to impossible, Unless you some how manage to unite all of New Eden against PanFam… which would be a fight for the ages.


And leave all their stuff back home undefended! Because we’re all really that dumb, right?

Row Row Row your boat back into the big bloxs…

Wasnt it a goal of CCP to break the power of the big blox? Entosis for smaller groups?
Oh wait its NCCPL now and the Sov Meta will be big cap blobs with entosislinks…

TBH: fatigue WAS just right


lol … At least try to come up with a proper argument. This is so bad, it looks like you are trolling.

Powerblocks create blue donuts, stagnation and power creep.

P.s. for CCP
I do not know if there was such an offer. But I want to make an offer on Jump Fatigue.
I propose to introduce a coefficient for Jump Fatigue, depending on the size of the ship: minimal for a frigate / corvette / personal boat (for example, maximum 15 minutes for red, 1 hour for blue - for frigates), maximum for super carriers (for example, maximum 6 hours for red, 24 hours for blue - for titans).


I like it… anyone else?

Lol no it wouldn’t. The 30 min max reactivation delay is for rage jumping long distance. People want to be able to jump into combat and jump out relatively quickly. A flat 30 minute jump reactivation delay would be a huge nerf.

I quit EVE shortly after the jump fatigue mechanic was introduced. I joined the game to become a capital pilot, and JF as it is makes caps all but useless. Thank you so much for being willing to consider adjustments to this godawful necessity.

It’s possible the current proposal is too generous, but I don’t think it’ll ruin the game while we find out if it is.

Thanks as always for the hard work to bring vibrancy to the best game ever devised!

Then make it 15min flat. But the current iteration is not worth to keep this complex mechanic.

I disagree. Jump fatigue allows CCP to make a difference between tactical capital movement and strategic capital movement.

Being able to make up to three jumps quickly without crippling fatigue will increase localised capital use while not allowing supercapital forces to sprint across the map to jump on every minor fight. However they might want to slow down long range movement to discourage blobs from spending a day moving across the map for every Keepstar timer.

I take it you’re not a fan of this change.
Would you mind stating why you think doing 3 jumps quickly (in 15 minutes) then having to wait at least 30 minutes for your next jump is so bad?

As a capital pilot (with a JF also) in a relatively small group I’m looking forward to being able to find a couple of Rorquals or ratting carriers a couple of jumps away and being able to go after them.

I’m also looking forward to getting into it with those who try to do the same thing to us.

There are way to many capital ships in the game - This may see them used for more than posturing on a keepstar.
Killboard red, killboard green - It’s all good as long as things are going down with all guns blazing…

It is time CCP allowed pilots to live and die as they choose in some of the biggest ships available to them.
We need fatigue (I hate it and always will/have) this iteration isn’t perfect but it is far better than what we have now and even better again than not having it at all.

NB; Many of us who play Eve online have trouble with self moderation we tend to go “all in”, which led to the need for fatigue in the first place - CCP is now giving us the opportunity to go “all in” again - With less punishing restrictions.

Fozzie… sounds like you’ve got something right for once, and started listening to us. Credit where credit’s due - good job :slight_smile:

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Sure change the game so goons can spend 2 years building a capital fleet that no one can match unhindered and without any danger of being invaded. Then once they get it built change it back so they can mow over the rest of the map. mittani online, not eve online.

With the new wait times it still gives time for people to ambush or otherwise disrupt a group trying to cross the map enmasse.

One thing about moving a large amount of capitals together that can’t be avoided - Someone will see you moving them.

Until now, the only way to try and catch those moving was to either have caps already in place on or near their route. Now it is a matter of forming up and taking the fight to them. The new tethering mechanic means every capital that jumps is going to be vulnerable for at least 30 seconds, making jumping a little more risky.
I’m not saying it will be easy to stop someone moving long distances but it certainly opens up opportunities to make it difficult for them and maybe even kill more than a few along the way.

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No it doesn’t. Any large move will have recon out watching enemy stagings and the big groups already take gates to cut down on time and fatigue. The tether change only matters when moving up to a small group of caps.

Only if they jump to a structure they can’t dock at. All that is going to happen with large alliances moving normal caps is they’ll put a fort in any mids that currently only have a medium citadel and no station.

Ok so that’s it… we all just give up because theRaptor has deemed it too hard to do anything.

I wonder - If someone is seen putting forts up in random places wouldn’t the fact you can move caps more quickly give you the ability to destroy them before they become a threat? All it takes is a ping and a pair of balls, something severely lacking in today’s Eve.

Taking gates with large amounts of caps is great - With a bit of planning you can wreck their day or at worst stop them from moving at all simply by having cloaky alts camping the system.

But I will let you go with your defeatist attitude, why bother trying to counter anything - Just give up, find the worst in everything.
Don’t EVER try to look for a positive, it is much easier to have the attitude “we can’t do it”, you will always be able to just blame CCP for your risk aversion.

I like it! The new timers will make gameplay more enjoyable, but solve the problem where capitals remain parked for ridiculous amounts of time. I really hope the new jump fatigue mechanics will still prevent the original problem of capital alts moving all the way across EVE in a few minutes to blob the opposition. Large corps loved this, but it left the balance of power tilted unreasonably in their favor.

Awesome changes.

drones work well. Thank you. wish you luck…