Miner 1 or Miner 2. Mining time

That is why I have a question about the possibility of using two miners 2 or more. While mining the ore, I noticed that waste was appearing, but I didn’t pay much attention. But when I started mining Gnesis on Venture, I decided to calculate -

Time to fill the hold with a pair of EP-S: approximately 15.95 minutes. 157,96 * 2 = 313.92
Time to fill the hold with a pair of Miner II: approximately 13.27 minutes. 188.35 * 2=376.70

But here where waste comes with:
With waste pair of Miner II will need now from 14 ( 1 waster) to 17+ (more than 3 times WHEN both moduels got wasted ore) if 1 module got waster then you still get 14+ . So is Miner II simply unprofitable? At least for Venture with 2 slots, after receiving waste 1-2 times from two modules or several from one. You are already increasing the number of cycles to the EP-S level, yet you pay min 550k more for it

So i have question Which is better to use a pair of Miner II, a pair of EPS or 1 miner II and EP-S?
Here is calcualted example with worst scenario (2 Miner II modules got waste 9 times or it mix between 1 and 2 wastes):

I made a mistake and in miner II it counted +1 cycles and EP-S is 15.7 - or 15.9 not 16 but anyway Even in best scenario you probably will get 14-15 cycles

Update = With both 1 EPS and miner II it took 15 minutes to get full cargo. I didnt cound how many times i got waste from 1 miner II but lets say 14 in best scenario and 16-17 in worst ( more than 50% of all miner II cycles were waste

Don’t calculate and compare the worst scenario.

Residue is chance based.

You should calculate and compare the average scenario if you plan to mine more often.

After all, while you could waste every cycle in a small number of cycles, if you’re mining for a longer time the law of large numbers says you will average out to that 34% residue chance of the T2 miner.

I think there may be a misconception here?

Miner IIs are more profitable than the T1 meta modules. You get 20% more yield, which is 20% more profit.

Yes, you also have a chance to lose some rock to residue, but keep in mind that this lost residue is taken from the asteroid and not from your yield.

While residue means you empty rocks faster, it doesn’t mean you lose yield.

Only if the asteroids you mine are limited in availability, like on a good moon or when you find some rare mercoxit, it doesn’t really matter if you lose some rock to residue. It only means you may need to switch to the next rock sooner.

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Oh got it. Well, that means miner II is better in those cases where I dig a lot of regular ore. But if I understand correctly what is the case with Gnesis and other ores like kernit. Its better to use of 1 EP-S and Miner II or two EP-S. So i will mine slower but wont lose expensive ore.

Thank you for answering a rather stupid question.

It’s not stupid, it’s a question that has been coming up every few weeks since CCP introduced the residue thing.

Assume that a Crokite Rock, in a small crokite anomaly (which despite the name small, is among the largest ones in the game), has 1.000.000 m^3 ore. Your Venture can load up to 5.000 m^3 ore. Which means that the rock can technically fill up to 200 Ventures. Each Venture will take 13.56 minutes to fill, assuming your math is correct, whether there was residue or not.

If there was no residue, the first Venture loaded 5.000m^3, and 995.000.000 m^3 will be left in the rock. If the highest possible residue, i.e. each cycle causing residue, with a factor of 1 that the T2 module has, occured, the venture filled with 5.000 m^3 in 13.56 minutes nevertheless, but in the rock will have lost the 5000m^3 that were scooped by the venture, and the additional 5000m^3 that were wasted by the t2 miner, resulting in 990.000.000 m^3 being left.

Assuming max skills, and no mining command bursts, implants or boosters:

Mining Module Script m^3 per second Time to Fill Venture m^3 filled into Venture min m^3 taken from rock average m^3 taken from rock max m^3 taken from rock Average number of Ventures to scoop 1m m^3 rock Time to scoop Rock
Miner I None 5.21 15.9min 5000 5000 5000 5000 200 3198min
EP-S Gaussian None 6.51 12.8min 5000 5000 5000 5000 200 2560min
Miner II None 7.81 10.7min 5000 5000 6850 10000 145 1547min
Modulated Deep Core Miner Type A II 9.37 8.89min 5000 5000 6850 10000 145 1290min
Modulated Deep Core Miner Type B II 11.7 7.12min 5000 5000 8350 10000 122 868min

Assuming that your rock is significantly smaller, you will nevertheless have multiple rocks in the anomaly. Large Gneiss Anomaly has 5 digit m^3 in the rocks, and many rocks, easily more then 1m m^3 in total, but if it’s only 1m m^3, that would already take you 868 minutes with the most wasteful script considered productive. 868 minutes is almost 15 hours, to crab, without considering the amount of time it will take you to get the ore into a refinery or manouver inside the anomaly.

In general, unless you have the scooping power to actually take down the mining anomaly, Type B II lasers in a scriptable mining module is the way to go. Who cares about waste? You care about income, and before the amount of waste isn’t reducing your income - i.e. you mined so hard that the anomaly is gone - you don’t need to bother about it.