đŸ”„ Minmatar Fleet Alliance - PvP | Capitals | Target Rich Environment

“Beware of driving men to desperation. Even a cornered rat is dangerous.” ~ Winston Churchill

Still looking for ship shooters


“I’ve often said that my rats have taught me much more than I’ve taught them.”
~ B. F. Skinner

Still recruiting Master Rats

“I did what any good rat would do. I bit down on the guard’s hand until I tasted blood.” ~ Maria V. Snyder

Come shoot ships with us!

“You’re a mouse studying to be a rat.” ~
Wilson Mizner

Come study with us!

Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat.
Elizabeth Bowen

Come creep with us!!

“Small but mighty, these amazing creatures deserve our respect and appreciation.”
World Rat Day campaign slogan

Still recruiting!

the Rat is my shepherd, I shall not want.


we’re still recruiting

‘And my Rat will meet all your needs according to the riches of his nibbles in Rat Cheesus, maybe even including cheese.’
Rat Philippians 4:19

still recruiting

be still and know The Rat Provides

recruitment is open

Still recruiting

recruiting is do be open

Still recruiting
come hang out with the rats!

still recruiting!

Still recruiting!

