o7, all. Ushra Khan is open to recruiting players from Australia or SEAsia time zones. Canadian as well. We’re looking for synergy between these time zones, which means more fun and fleeting up.
Good Faction Warfare and Industry that relates to the meta narrative around the Alliance’s lore and history.
I’d recommend searching for the TRIAD AGENCY channel in-game if you’re looking for a corp to start in try T.R.I.A.D. And search for VOICES U’K if you want to speak with the alliance.
You can make a decent pvp fit for about 25 million ISK with the Firetail. We will show you how.
Your aim should be to practice in the corp’s ship fits. And try to win as many as you can. You can only do that by losing some ships. And that’s where industry comes in.
Join mining fleets or start one of your own. You’ll need to skill up for this Porpoise. And one of our fits would cost you around 150 million ISK. Save up for it.
Joining Ushra’Khan was the best decision I ever made. As an alliance it is the perfect balance between a tight-knit family like community and strong pvp ability.
Plus being the oldest alliance in the game has enormous benefits in terms of history and lore.
Would be awesome to see more players from Australia or SEAsia timezones to bolster our UNITY.