Salvage - don’t salvage. Make as much or as little ISK/LP as you desire - it really doesn’t matter to me. But when you’re talking about the best ships and fits for mission running you are (to some extent) talking about activities and some level of efficiency. I also never said that you couldn’t earn money with select salvaging - just that it’s tough to make a career out of.
Why is ISK/LP income on most player’s minds? Maybe because people don’t have infinite time to play EVE and things like PLEX, skill injectors and PvP cost money.
As previously stated I’m neither on the high (Incursions) or low (mining) income scale, and if ISK/LP were my sole motivation I’d be doing anything other than high-sec missioning.
Just to jump in here, ISK / hr is a bit of a factor, it has to be able to fund future PVP and nullsec stuff (probably). However fun is just as important if not more important.
Also, what are the other PvE activities that are more profitable? I am back in the game after a long break so don’t really know about wormholes, exploration etc.
Dude chill out. He was just giving an opinion. You are beating him down over his exact verbiage? Sheesh. At the end of the day he was referring to the FACT that it is faster to blitz than it is to clear the entire mission and loot/salvage. He didn’t say you have to, or that you should. He simply stated it matter of factly.
Machariel all day every day, and imo it’s still cheap. it even works great for lv3s thanks to the high warp speed and good tracking/range of auto cannons. can warp in sit at 0 and kill pretty much everything before you hit 95% shields. And it’s mwd speed is better than most BCs so it can move around if it needs to.
In minmatar lv4s the mach has enough speed and range it can kite most enemies you will go against. And there you are probably fine brawling in most cases as it does enough DPS that enemies should die before your tank gets in trouble. And it has the fittings you can run an arty fit if you want. There may be a few missions that are troublesome in the general mission pool, so definitely check the mission summaries.
Mach is the best imo, but if you want fool proof get a vargur. you can run a silly large cap stable tank with it’s bonuses and it just gets insane with bastion mode. And it still has decent damage and range.
extremely doubtful. Large corps attract wardecs, and mission running attracts wardecs, combine the two and I just don’t see it working well.
and yea there are a ton of faction/deadspace mods that are reasonably priced and add value to mission ships. Just don’t go too crazy.
Late reply here on the corp question: what about joining one of the FW corps and running missions down in low sec?
If you’re Minmatar and interested primarily in flying Minmatar ships, a Minmatar militia corp/ alliance would be the most obvious choice there: main ones as far as I can see are TRIAD (Ushra’Khan), White Fang and MATARSOC.
I’m currently in the TLF, running FW missions primarily, and looking for other pilots to collaborate with on such so pretty much in a similar boat to you, I guess.