Mission salvage not worth much recently?

Ive made my way so far mostly running missions and salvaging up after, usually making a few mil after each mission. But this last week or so? Loot and salvage is rarely near 1m.

I though it could be where I was doing them, so I moved back to my old home and its the same there. Market prices havent changed much.

I did read somewhere last night that mission loot drops in quality if too many people farm them but cant find anything concrete on that.

RNG is also R.

Your loot drops roll on a random table. Sometimes you get bad streaks when the RNG doesn’t go your way.

True, but can a bad streak go for a whole week?

Yup. And longer.

I multibox nullsec anoms, and I once had a full month without a single 10/10 on 4 accounts.

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recently? LOL its been like that a while now.

No. I stopped doing nullsec sites before the changes.

Even if I still did them, the changes wouldn’t matter to me. I think trying to rely on random sites for your income is idiotic. 6 minute Havens are nice, steady income. The escalations are just an extra bonus if I feel like taking a risk for a reduced guaranteed income. Stopping to do a 10/10 reduces my isk/hr unless the RNG is being kind.

not done null sec anoms for years and the sigs just take too long i mostly cba.

But the OP was talking about missions and that loot and salvage has been rubbish for years, cant recall the changes… ah ye i think after they made small, medium and large rigs and changed some other things around…

Same with wh salvage - its just not worth anything anymore and hasnt been for quite some time.

Its just been such a crazy stark change. For weeks salvage/loot was heaps more then the missions, now its not worth the time to swap ships.

Reread both the title of the thread and the last sentence of OP’s post. They said nothing of the sort.

The last “nerf” to salvaging I can find or recall was when they completely redid what you get out of reprocessing modules almost a decade ago. Salvage “nerfs” were an unintended consequence of stopping the nullsec blocs from mass importing minerals from highsec by way of module reprocessing. Other than that, there’s is nothing but an endless series of “CCP nerfed salvaging” whine threads identical to this one.

I like salvaging. It’s peaceful and there’s always a surprise, like a Fortune Cookie :fortune_cookie:


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