Monthly Economic Report - September 2017

And nerf the Falcon already, because falcon…

Seriously why don’t you just say you can’t stand the thought of anyone making ISK while mining that you can’t kill in your lone Tengu?

If CCP were serious about Rorqual nerfs, they would turn capital mining into an active mechanic, like fighters. Incremental yield nerfs achieve only 1 thing: The Rorqual miners add more alts (which is pretty easy when you already have a few Rorqual chars). Coincidentally that means more subs for CCP …

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The fundamental flaw in your suggestion was the first 7 words. CCP is only serious about something if the null sec cartels tell them it is important.

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This is only true up to a point. After a certain level of yield nerf it becomes economically questionable to put an 8-10b asset in space to mine only marginally more than a boosted Hulk with significantly more vulnerability.

Clearly we’ve yet to hit that point, though the increase in mining is also tied to the drop off in effect of Carrier ratting and multiboxing, so it’s possible at this point that people may continue to mine even if the Rorqual is nerfed enough that they transition their miners from Rorquals to a single Rorqual boosting and the rest mining in Hulks.

The problem with turning capital mining into a, quote “active mechanic” is that mining on the whole isn’t terribly active and there’s very little CCP could add to capital mining to change that. Plus miners on the whole would revolt if mining changed too significantly.

Dinsdale, at what point does this trolling get old for you?

You’ve been running this same line, largely in complete absence of evidence, for like 8 years now. The mind boggles at the dedication and lack of perspective that must take.

I’d applaud but I’d hate to be seen as endorsing a viewpoint so fundamentally divorced from anything resembling evidence or sense, and I wouldn’t want anyone to take you seriously on accident because of me.

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Spoken like a true lobbyist. Do you work for the NRA?

I see bounty prizes are still completely broken and distorting the economy.

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