Moros Mineral Requirements

Im building a spreadsheet with variable entries for ME that will allow you to see the tritanium amounts needed for the entire ship and was wondering if anyone can confirm my numbers. All of the following will be for a Moros and using ME 10 capital parts for all and assuming nullsec as a build site.

ME 10 Moros with t1 rig. Tritanium 72,240,014
ME 10 Moros with t2 rig, Tritanium 71,473,196
ME 9 Moros with t1 rig, Tritanium 73,383,536
ME 9 Moros with t2 rig, Tritanium 72,240,014
ME 8 Moros with t1 rig, Tritanium 73,850,368
ME 8 Moros with t2 rig, Tritanium 73,850,368
ME 7 Moros with t1 rig, Tritanium 75,244,553
ME 7 Moros with t2 rig, Tritanium 73,850,368
ME 6 Moros with t1 rig, Tritanium 75,884,665
ME 6 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 75,244,553
ME 5 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 76,825,795
ME 5 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 76,825,795
ME 4 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 77,251,628
ME 4 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 76,825,795
ME 3 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 78,122,322
ME 3 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 77,251,628
ME 2 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 79,363,438
ME 2 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 78,122,322
ME 1 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 79,855,746
ME 1 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 79,363,438
ME 0 Moros with t1 rig Tritanium 80,322,578
ME 0 Moros with t2 rig Tritanium 79,855,746

Hoping someone can confirm any of these so I know the formulas are working correctly and any feedback is appreciated :smiley:

take a look at

if you hit the M next to something, it’ll show up in the materials for materials panel. where you can adjust the rigs and MEs

I am familiar with fuzzwork but it doesn’t display the mineral requirements for a capital, only the capital parts needed. I was looking more to create a spreadsheet of the total minerals required for all the parts on any ME with variables so it can be changed similar to fuzzworks but one step further.

And yet you ignored what I told you.

Load up a Moros in the Calculator.

Hit the M next to each component.

Go to the materials for materials panel.

See everything you need to make all the components.

My apologies, I’ve never seen that portion until you pointed it out.

Your also missing what I’m asking for though, I’m trying to confirm my math with someone that has done the formula themselves instead of using fuzzworks since I can’t see their formulas. When comparing the two I come up short by 6 tritanium even with base values the same.

When Im done with this project I will be able to enter multiple ships with any run amount and get a final total, something that fuzzworks CANT do at this time. IE multiple orders come in asking for different caps or even different subcaps I can get the total needed for everything.

max(runs,ceiling(round(runs*((100-ME)/100)*((100-structure modifier)/100)*((100-rig modifier)/100)*material,2)))

I’m trying to understand why the rounding is the entire equation, shouldn’t you round just the moros parts and then multiply that by the tritanium amount?

IE for armor plates =((((473141 trit) * .90 me of bpo) * .99 ME station) * .958 ME rigs) * (ROUNDUP((((24 parts * 1 runs of moros)* .9 me moros bpo)* .99 station ME)* .958 ME rig)))

Sorry for coming across ignorant but I’m getting 6ish trit short with my formula compared to yours and not sure where it’s going wrong.

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