Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting Still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Hello there. I have recently resubbed and I am looking for a good and chill FW corp to join. Been trying to join the Calmil first admittedly, as I am a Caldari at heart - but for some reason it seems it’s stupidly hard to get into a FW corp on that side.
Any chance we could have a chat so I can figure out if you corp is what I am looking for?
Sure, join public chat (MOTCC Public) and we can talk
Currently at work, won’t be able to login before tonight We can wait, or alternatively if you have a Discord or something, let me know!
Np, can talk later.
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!
Recruiting still!