MOTDs and/or Shareable Notebook Pages

I’d like to ask the new CSM to consider how to make sharing links within the game easier and more flexible.

Currently, many players share links by using moderated (effectively non-chat) channels, embedding the links into the Message of the Day (MOTD) displayed at the top of the channel when someone joins. These channels are incredibly useful for rookies and newer players, providing links to resources and pages that help them learn, thrive, and stay engaged with the game. More experienced players also find these resources valuable.

I manage four moderated channels frequently used by rookies and often referenced in help channels: Rookie Infopedia, Pilot Infopedia, Overview Encyclopedia, and Fittings Encyclopedia. These channels are always active, especially Overview Encyclopedia and Fittings Encyclopedia, each consistently hosting 50-100 participants.

Embedding this information in the MOTD works reasonably well, especially when most content is text-only. However, when including links to other channels or websites—like I do for the channels above—the 4,000-character limit (including visible and hidden formatting) fills up quickly.

An easy improvement would be to increase the MOTD character limit, ideally matching the email limit of 8,000 characters.

If the development team has the time, capacity, and resources, a more advanced solution could be to implement shared notebooks, or single or multiple shared notebook pages, that can be shared with other players similarly to how bookmarks are shared via access lists.

This option would allow for more robust, community-driven resources. Although the notebook character limit of 3,900 would still impose some constraints, multiple pages on the same topic would provide considerable flexibility. For instance, players could create separate notebooks on topics like scanning, PvE, tactics, or corp-specific fleet ops and communications.

Whether through expanding the MOTD limit or implementing a notebook system, any improvement in this area would likely be greatly appreciated by me and many other players.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this, and best of luck with your deliberations.


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