Move Hypernet to Low / 0 sec with actual Hypernet Stations / Hypernet Tax / Hypernet in High sec

Why not ban the scum from high sec and creade a beginner friendly hypernet free enviorment?

The idea:
-move hypernet relays to dedicated hypernet stations in low and 0 secure systems where pilots can gamble their goods for the chance of winning.

The solution offers:
-a gamble free enviorment for new pilots (spawns are free from hypernet as well as high sec trade hubs)
-only advanced players can acess hypernet trough their knowledge of 0 sec
-items may also only be traded on low or 0 sec stations wich requie to be in a corperation and or alliance to insure the savety to redeeming the items and transport them to high security

hypernet in high sec:
-in addition to the low sec gamble there could be a high security hpernet trade relay that requies at least 20k skillpoints to be acessed so this would insure new players not click on a hyper link
-add a high secure hypernet trade tax

Hypernet Tax:
-hypernets in low sec have a reduced hypernet tax and 0 sec have a increased reduced hypernet tax
-hypernet in high sec has the most tax

#hybernet saver for new pilots

The benefit of the Hypernet - as opposed to regular trading - is that it allows players to sell items that otherwise wouldn’t easily sell through regular trading.

The hypernet does so by:

  • selling the total item in parts instead of as a whole, so there are more potential buyers even if none of them can afford to buy the item whole
  • selling the item to anyone in new EDEN who is interested, instead of limited to your region

By restricting Hypernet sales to low sec you remove half the reason for the Hypernet to exist.

If you want to make the players who take part in the Hypernet go to low sec, make raffles with items in low sec.

If you want to make high sec hypernet-spam free, I suggest you look at the chat filter options that have been added today.