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We are not in FW anymore, but working out other types of Small gang PvP content
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We are not in FW anymore, but working out other types of Small gang PvP content
Our efforts to further federation ideals, work for the betterment of the Nadire District and fulfill contract obligations is still paramount.
We need willing pilots who wish to keep the flames of liberty and pleasure hubs open for all.
NADSC still looking for pilots
we RP
we PVE
we PVP
we are now starting our industry projects
want to try out the Federatio life? join us!
Capsuleer Day is here, loyal capsuleers come join us in our celebrations.
Nadire Security consultants have been polishing its teamwork skills, now we are able to kill Pirate Stations, or FOBs as they are known, with Battlecruisers in spider-tank configurations. 29mill ISK awarded upon destruction by CONCORD forces.
Does that appeal to you? then what are you waiting for? join NADSC.
NADSC has been engaging in selective precision strikes against a number of criminal organizations within the new eden cluster.
Want to know more?
signup and do your part.
Federation Day was a complete success, hosted by our own @Alain_Colcer.
If you would like to ingrain yourselves into the wonderful and in depth lore that this game provides, consider joining NADSC.
NADSC has joined the efforts of the Federal Defense Union Militia to hold and secure all Federation territory against the advance of the State Protectorate.
If you wish to help our efforts and be a defender of the Federation ideals, apply today!.
Looking for new, not so new and veteran pilots that would like to participate in FW, Lowsec PvP and Roleplaying events.
Apply today!.
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