I have all regular capital ships and component BPOs researched to 10/20 Goodbye Evepraisal :: sudorandom.dev
This includes:
- Carrier x4 (~1.1 - 1.2b base price each) ~3.40b for 10/16
- Thanatos, Nidh, Chimera - 4.5b
- Archon - 4b
- Dread x4 (~1.9 - 2.0b base price each) ~6-6.75b for 10/16
- Revelation, Phoenix - 7.5b
- Naglfar - 7b
- Moros - 6.5b
- Fax x4 (~1b base price each) ~3.75b for 10/16
- Apostle, Lif, Minokawa - 4.5b
- Ninazu - 4b
- Rorqual (~3b base price, ~6.75b for 10/16) - 8b
- Components x16 (~21b base price)
- Full set offer on current market ~32b
Total: ~40.5b base price
Total actual: 17.5b + 28.5b + 17.5b + 8b + 32b = ~103.5b
I’m considering the possibility of selling them so I want to estimate a price for this hoard taking the max research level into account. I’ve done some esttimation based on the current market offers but there might be some other factors I don’t consider.
Is it a realistic price? What do you think?