I do, but the fundamental you are missing is that if there is a safe space to build wealth, there is an appetite to lose stuff. When you have bottom feeders in high sec that call it game play, well it makes it a little harder for wealth to be built, and no appetite to do anything but quite in most cases.
Yes small minds think very small, and you are apart of that group.
No they won’t enjoy PvP, but they would risk a ship to go get ore, ore explore or something else. Again don’t think so small, like PvP only.
It isn’t a twist it is the MER published by CCP. You always say PROOF JJ WE NEED PROOF. Go read it shut up about how ganking is such a game changer for the economy. It isn’t there is your proof end of discussion as I see it.
You are always good for hugs and I very much appreciate it. Don’t know the numbers being asked for but I am sure it will be good data that will keep us from reaching 10K post
OMG same story, what you don’t get you can do the same planning and all that in low sec. You see your gameplay isn’t going anywhere it is still there. It isn’t that scary promise.
EVE has always been a sandbox in which the players use the sand to create the stories they want to be told.
EVE’s PvE is not strong enough to stand on its own LOL. ISK is a means to an end, which is burning other ships in space. What is best in life yennoe?
It does not actually. There is reason why people flip out when they die in EVE vs when they die in WoW.
Dying in CoD means literally nothing. You lose nothing. Victory means nothing. You gain nothing.
Corps use SRP as a recruitment tool LOL. PvP is hella profitable. Ask Aiko. I seen her clear over a bil in about an hour.
If you are weak in EVE, that’s your fault. Once you undock you consent to PvP. You are given the same tools as everyone else to fight. There are no victims in EVE, unless you make yourself one.
Oh but I am You realize how capitalism works right my guy? What happens when there is a glut of something on the market
Nope. And I know you don’t know what Trammel is What you’ve suggested has been done before. And straight murdered the game
My guy, if you want to mindlessly farm in space, fire up No Man’s Sky
There will be, there will be people that will only ever live in a WH, Low, Null or High. This we can’t change that spot of the population will always be out there. And nothing wrong if they enjoy the game and are paying Omega to be apart of High.
But there will be much more opportunity for new players to think about and wonder about what lies in the uncharted space. How would it be out there, could I do it, could I be successful? It is a story for each Eve player to find out.
For those players they will give it a try giving the fact that they have enough isk to replace whatever good/bad decision they are about to make. This is why I liked the Chinese server new map being tested now so much. It give all high sec regions easy access to low and null. Everyone would be with a few jumps from PvP. It is a really good idea to be honest.
Oh sorry I thought I was debating with adults, I see now you are a minimum 13yr typical teen. Totally fine, I won’t be so critical on you anymore sorry about that. Enjoy the game out there and have fun.
Was just asking politely if this belongs to the megathread or not.
Due to so many replies I have to assume someone already reported this but in case not, looking at it’s already at 329 posts and it goes exactly as any other nerf ganking thread I wonder if you consider this to belong in the megathread or for some reason you see it as being different so flagging it just in case. o/
The standard “auto-reply” (I assume the system has an option to insert this reply or even does it automatically) of Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we’re looking into it. and in my personal experience it is rare they add anything else to the private message that is generated when responding to such a flag, which makes sense as it is faster and more efficient this way.
Edit: Oh and even when they add something else it is a separate reply so I think this is part of the flag system to add this reply to the original ticket response that is generated when responding to a ticket and they can add additional replies if something needs clarified or whatever or if someone responds to the private conversation they can reply there as well.
I do know Gix, it is math, if you have a opportunity to open a new door, YOU ALWAYS do it. Some smart lady from St. Louis, Missouri has a whole article on this, she was deemed smartest person in the world at the time. And of course where JJ is from Missouri, your welcome for this class today.
Agree with you on the sand box where you create you story for you character, 100%. We don’t want to lose that, it is what makes the game yours, immersive and addicting.
You simply are not going to make isk PvPing. Which is good, those hardcore folks use plex which funds the game so no complaints there. But you are not taking a muarader out in low, and picking up a couple billion in moduels, well unless you get really lucky. But in the spirit this is a ganking thread, you might be talking about high sec ganking aka seal clubbing aka not PvP. If that is the case then there is some truth to what you are saying.
In the world of ganking it is frustrating because you are in a T1 hauler and some dip ■■■■ just ganks you. You can’t shoot back, you can’t evade you can’t do anything, just die.
Real pvp, much different story, and typically competitive-natured people that do PvP. I wouldn’t say they freak out, I have lose ships all the time, it isn’t a big deal, get another and move one. Proving grounds is a good example of losing ships in PvP and being okay with it. But you have to have isk in the bank to be okay with something like that, and I believe it is a bigger problem than most think.
Supply and Demand yes. You do realize what secondary affects and so on are correct? Deflation isn’t a bad thing and this would create that. But it would also create possibly more direction than you are expecting with regions being able to be supplied correctly and thus the appetite to risk going up. Like good old lo don’t think so shallow go deep with it.
Yes I have most likely been in the game longer than you, and Trammel the gate camp that Devs stepped in. Again it means nothing to the topic, other than another point of griefers doing what they do, disrupt games for people because they don’t like themselves. This is how they vent pathetically.
Yes that is the spirit, you are wrong and I am a farmer now…geezus why do I keep coming back…oh wait so idiots don’t come off as all knowing, and superior players when they don’t have a clue on what the gold line in space is.
I @ an ISD asking for the 1.0 system green safety lock thread to be merged. The OP had been given a satisfying response long before and Lucas was using the thread to push his ‘kill the emergeant playstyle I don’t like” agenda.
Might as well be here so he only has one soap box to ruin a bunch of peoples game experience from.
I mean your arguments are like a teenager, no thought, no making a point… No mom I am right. The kid doesn’t have a clue on life, knows nothing of the real world, but yet the answer is “No mom I am right” no matter how much you try to reason.
Minimum age to play the game is supposed to be 13, and to my reference.
But your opinion are not bad just very shallow. Your thoughts are good, very high level, but you never think them through. That is what I am saying I guess, you can work on it if you like.
Ah. This explains a lot I feel sorry for you bruv.
Math? You are acting as if what you’re saying is a guarantee, which it isn’t. If you can’t admit that, you don’t live in reality LOL.
LOL. And that’s CCP’s fault boyo. And because players are risk adverse.
Also you can make a pretty penny PvPing. Ganking is PvP
Hawk, Cliff and Aiko make a darn good living LOL.
You can press F10 and actually use in game tools to strategize LOL. There is so many things you can do in a hauler to avoid death.
Just say you suck at the game my guy
All PvP is real PvP, from ganking to null wars.
Yes. And when things have too much supply? Demand goes down LOL. No one will lose officer stuff. Game becomes stale.
What you don’t understand is EVE’s PvE isn’t strong enough to hold interest based on itself alone. The PvE is merely the tool to get the goods to do the PvP LOL.
Sighs. No, no you don’t bruv. Trammel isn’t even from this game
All you literally want people to do is farm mindlessly with no risk LOL.
You can’t even use F10 to plot a course around being ganked in a hauler. I hardly think you should put yourself in a place to give advice out
Mmm not really bro You just don’t got a leg to stand on, so you bring out the age trope
Again, I very much don’t think any teenagers, if at all play EVE LOL.