Nerf Ganking Megathread

Ah. This explains a lot :smiley: I feel sorry for you bruv.

Math? You are acting as if what you’re saying is a guarantee, which it isn’t. If you can’t admit that, you don’t live in reality LOL.

LOL. And that’s CCP’s fault boyo. And because players are risk adverse.

Also you can make a pretty penny PvPing. Ganking is PvP :smiley:

Hawk, Cliff and Aiko make a darn good living LOL.

You can press F10 and actually use in game tools to strategize LOL. There is so many things you can do in a hauler to avoid death.

Just say you suck at the game my guy :smiley:

All PvP is real PvP, from ganking to null wars.

Yes. And when things have too much supply? Demand goes down LOL. No one will lose officer stuff. Game becomes stale.

What you don’t understand is EVE’s PvE isn’t strong enough to hold interest based on itself alone. The PvE is merely the tool to get the goods to do the PvP LOL.

Sighs. No, no you don’t bruv. Trammel isn’t even from this game :smiley:

All you literally want people to do is farm mindlessly with no risk LOL.

You can’t even use F10 to plot a course around being ganked in a hauler. I hardly think you should put yourself in a place to give advice out :smiley:

Mmm not really bro :smiley: You just don’t got a leg to stand on, so you bring out the age trope :smiley:

Again, I very much don’t think any teenagers, if at all play EVE LOL.

Noooo. I believed this is it, the final solution to ganking…

Well I guess I have to wait for another savior of new players and PCU.

Maybe they should instead ask gangking to be buffed… in such a way (any ship can do it without criminal flag against anyone with at least below -1 sec) which is about to get suicide ganked can just one shot the catalysts before they land a salvo. :upside_down_face:

Actually it was just being used by people like you to abuse and attack anyone who disagrees with your opinion. Every time this topic comes up, gankers launch tirades of abuse at people in an attempt to make them leave, and the @ISD team do absolutely nothing about it. This in itself shows a core problem with this game attracting new players. What new player wants to join a game where direct harassment and abuse is condoned and supported by staff?


You launch abuse at anyone that disagrees with your agenda and then hide behind the excuse “but they do it to me more so it’s ok if I cast aspersions and baseless accusations on anyone that disagrees with me”

Try again. On second thoughts, don’t, I’m not interested in discussing anything with someone completely incapable of arguing in good faith.

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If that’s what you genuinely believe, you go ahead and keep believing it but that has no basis in reality. The fact that you refer to other people’s opinions as an “agenda” kinda suggests you’re not attempting to have a reasonable discussion

offtopic: Don’t feel like creating an own thread for this and here it won’t make a difference :stuck_out_tongue: just read on r/Eve that some guy called wally is going to biomass his character (not even sure if should be trusted) so a bit of a search showed he was some drama guy on r/Eve but can’t be bothered to spend more time on this so can someone give a summary about this guy?

I see what you did there

I think the top comment on that thread says it all really. Good luck to him though.

What? Really had nothing else in mind than what I wrote. Now I don’t know what you’re referring to and am curious what you’ve meant. :sweat_smile:

Hmm we will see

This is not the same guy as hateless if that’s what you’re thinking of. At least as far as I know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Based on and evidenced by your behaviour in this forum and anyone who has made it this far down the thread has a lasting record of your behaviour.

Your agenda is to have ganking removed from the game and if not removed nerfed, again based on and evidenced by your posts in this thread…

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Indeed. I disagreed with you and you took that as an attack. To other people that’s not really proof of me being a problem, and I think anyone reading all these posts would see I’m far more frequently the target of direct personal attacks rather than the attacker.

But by all means you tell yourself what you need to.

Yes, education is a mysterious thing.

And you are acting like everything is fine brah, your delusion of reality is summed up as follows. Low IQ.

Ganking isn’t PvP, it is what scared people do when they can’t actually play the game. They go into high sec and play with baby seals because that is easy to do and act like it is some big accomplishment. It is a joke how laughable all the people you mention are.

I guess you are just kissing donkey because you feel being in the group will give you a sense of belonging. This all goes back to my stated mental state of gankers and griefers, they do it really because they suck at everything else in life, and making someone else suffer with them makes the :poop: life a little better. Sad little story actually.

Yeah lol omg how funny, next you are going to school me on mining PVP and Market PVP like the other muppets in this thread.

Survive outside of high sec, and I will digress.

And you think it is vibrant today?

And demand doesn’t go down price goes down, maybe my supply and demand graphs are sideways, no upside down, wait sideways, which way does this go. :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:

In a game that only gets PvE releases and updates and a storyline, you don’t think PvE could go on. You don’t think a miner could mine forever? They do today where are you? h-e-l-l-o anybody home?

Look at all alts built ever, I bet vast majority of them are for PvE.

Take out alts all together, I bet the game number look hugely different.

Add a PVE only zone, would impact the game in a huge way. CCP knows this and are taking steps to get that much needed additional revenue and most of the community supports it. Fresh Map, gets ganking out of high and into low, it will be great.

Well my statement is still correct on the first real gate camp in high sec back in the day. Maybe not Trammel.

Are you saying you want freedom of actions? If so I agree there is tons of space in the game. Moving all PvP to Low, WH, Null isn’t a huge deal, and tons of system to explore and have that PvP interaction if you want.

In your train of thought everyone is a HUGE PvPer in Eve. If you make High non PvP OMG everyone would rush to low null and wh right?

Your thoughts and advice are as good as the weather currently at the airport.

You have zero original thoughts like the rest of the toons in here. Don’t worry I will keep watching, looking and waiting for that moment someone with sense arrives. It isn’t you, unfortunately, or your friends here.


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Yeah totally agree with this, move ganking to low, where we can agree it is now PvP. And we move on with life.


It’s not where you disagree with people that I call it a personal attack. It’s where you use language to diminish them and their position without actually engaging then on their position… again, evidenced time and again by your behaviour in this forum not just with me but with anyone that produces a counter point problematic for your agenda.

You can keep saying it is what I believe over and over, difference is anyone can read through the thread, and if they are this far down probably have, and can see this behaviour for themselves.

Everything is fine brah. We playing an open world PvP game where you consent to PvP when you undock.

Life is good :smiley:

Also, I wouldn’t try to use slang you aren’t familiar with :smiley:

But it is. It is a player vs a player. None of your semantic Olympics can dispute this fact :smiley:

Yennoe, although this paragraph made me literally laugh out loud, and for long time too, it also evoked a strong sense of pity.

I mean can you imagine a grown dude actually thinking this? We are literally playing an open world PvP game. People are engaging in legitimate game play, according to the rules of the game.

Now you may not like the playstyle, but it is legitimate. But somehow because they are engaging in this playstyle, you are making broad sweeping assumptions about their real life, outside of the vidya game.

Now in my long gaming career my anecdotal evidence is that I find the competent PvPers, gankers etc, are for the most part very smart and well adjusted people. They can be clannish, but that comes with the territory.

I’ve generally found the terrible people, are people like you :smiley:

I mean do you need lessons on that or

Um. The majority of my EVE career has been spent out of high sec LOL.

Uh. Price goes down because the demand goes down bruv…

Except they aren’t being updated anytime soon LOL.

Ganking wouldn’t go into low. Ganking is a specalized form of high sec PvP. PvP anywhere else is simply called PvP.

Also, they would never enter low because they would never have a reason to. You realize there is a reason why most of low is safer than high sec right? I barely see people in my neck of the woods cept for one corp that has made it its home.

It is tho. Because the majority of people would never leave high. And it effectively murder the game LOL.

If anything, high sec needs a nerfing.

Everyone is a PvPer in EVE. Whether by hook or by crook. As soon as you undock, you become a PvPer.

In other words, you got no leg to stand on :smiley:

I find it super funny when he contradicts himself in the same post and tries to girlboss gaslight his way out of it :smiley:

Such as? I try to remain civil wherever possible but I’m not going to go out of my way to maintain civility when the persons “position” is to ignore the subject and attack me directly.

And what they will absolutely see is vastly more attacks at me than from me. The worst I’ve said is that I called ganking a cancer on the game, which is no different from the attitude towards miners. At least I didn’t start up a website to harass people outside of the game and avoid repercussions.

Again I direct them to your post history on this thread.