(Khaz Kryo)
February 19, 2020, 9:58am
Looking for a fleet or Corp to roll with. Could use some advice setting myself with some long term goals while building a community to roll with.
(Aayla Vos)
February 19, 2020, 1:18pm
I send you a mail in game.
Check our new player program out.
What is Krypted Lite?
Krypted Lite is the sister corporation of Krypted Gaming , a tight-knit group focused on PvP and piracy. In Krypted Lite, you’ll learn everything it takes to be an effective, small gang pilot. On graduation to Krypted Gaming, you’ll begin your path on becoming a veteran pilot with multiple characters.
What should I expect?
For several months, you’ll focus on learning the fundamental skills of nanogang, force multipliers…
We can help you get going eve help with fits earn risk and most important grasp PvP
Give me a mail in game of chat to us in the links in that ad below
Patriarch of Destruction(POD-) is looking for all manner of pilots from PVE to INDY to exploration all willing to do a little PvP on the side.
Don’t worry none of it is a must. We are also not elitist and a laid back corp where real life is first.
We offer a good place to learn small gang pvp in lowsec.
Fly solo as well if you like.
People to just go pvp with if you dont need to learn.
We offer a place for you to earn isk with others from mining to mission running to day trip wormholes.
We are a NewBro-friendly corp looking for both new and experienced players. We are based out of Amarr Low-Security space. If you’re interested in learning PvP in a small gang style or learning advanced industry, then check out our ad and join us on Discord for a chat to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Big enough to fight. Small enough to have fun.
Ten years of experience has taught us two things:
Every aspect of EVE is inherently PvP.
It is generally better to play with friends than alone.
We keep an intentionally short list of blues to provide as much content as possible. We have a philosophy: aggress on grid and relax on comms. Remembering that this is just a game, relaxing a little bit, and keeping cool in local means that every good fight is a networking event where we meet …
May 24, 2020, 11:47pm
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