New Corp within Low/High Building Towards null/Kspace

We are a new New that is now looking for pilots. The focuse is to start around in small gangs and HD. Laying heavy on the PvP aspect we have opportunities in our Alliance for Indy. We are very new in this start up but looking to grow. Must have a thick skin and be able to be self sufficent. We move to our new home in the coming days and are open to all levels of pvp. The alliance is also seeking new corps. This alliance is geared to all play styles. From seriousness to casual. We have many different aspects to look into and have potientials to make isk. New bro friendly must be omega clone.


good dudes flew with them IN CE before it turned to crap, but the dudes are awesome and easy to get along with.

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bump up. For new bros!!

Bump for edits.

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