I know it hurts sometimes.
But it would be very helpful for an important decision.
First of all, I’m an absolute newbie on eve-online. It’s years ago I played some hours in the evening for just one week. Actually it was very interesting but couldn’t catch me away from other mmo’s at that time.
But at the moment I’m looking for a mmo which is still faithful towards hardly earned equip and skill.
I don’t understand precisely what you can get for PLEX or IKS. But every counter argument against any P2W accusation ends with “it’s useless if you have no skill, duh”.
So, let’s consider a stand-off between two long-standing, insanely addicted, pro eve-online junkies with exactly the same skill and experience. Let’s call them Harry and Larry.
Larry just spend a tremendous amount of money in PLEX and god whatever he can get for money. He just stuffed every coin in the most beneficial upgrades he could get for his ship.
Harry didn’t. He’s happy with his omega account and feels safe with his skill in his mind.
Who would win?
And please, don’t try to corrupt the situation. Please don’t come along with “…that could never happen…”, “…equal skill isn’t a real thing… “ etc etc…
Just consider exactly this kind of stand-off. Take it as given. Without additional abstractions about ship type, length or kinds and amounts of weapons.
Just these two guys, with same experience, same skill. But one tries to buy some ease.
It’s just a principle thing and I would be so grateful if even only some you could give a straight and honest answer.
And yes, English isn’t my first language. Feel free to have fun with any feeble-minded syntax.