NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNerf drone aggro

  • You haven’t provided any evidence that there is an actual issue with the mechanics.
  • The lack of complaints on the forums and reddit further indicate that there is no issue with the mechanics.


You’re the issue and you’re fixing it by going away.


I agree to an extent. (now everyone hates me) I fly gallente ships sometimes, and my battleship L4 runner is a hyperion. I really don’t use it much because I fly tech III now, but when I do use it my little drones get crazy agro from elite frigates. There isn’t a whole lot a hyperion can do in this case. Can’t use guns, whether your using blasters or rails. So that leaves drones, and the hyperion doesn’t have a drone HP bonus.

I found it really annoying in the rare occasions I use my Hyperion. I’m not offering a one-all solution to this, because I understand the problems with having no drone agro and with botting etc. I swear it’s gotten worse over the years.

My solution to the problem is to fly a tengu or proteus in L4 missions. So the drone agro isn’t game breaking, even though it makes my sexy Hyperion less desirable.

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Won’t happen, thanks for playing.

There are more elite frigates in some sites than there used to be. Also try web & grapple combo. Should slow them enough for guns.
Elite frigs are meant to hate drones by design.

The point you are missing is that pure drone boats are meant to have to manage their drones.
There are implants to help, you can fit remote reps, you can use ships with large drone hp bonuses, you can use navy drones who have near twice the tank.
But if you don’t want to fit decent guns and get in there yourself to catch attention your drones are meant to take fire. This is intended npc behaviour, not a bug or flaw. They are not meant to mindlessly chase you and ignore the drones killing them.

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Another completely missing the point…read what I wrote again. I already use navy drones, my drone durability skill is already 4. I never said remove drone aggro, I said nerf it to a reasonable rate where I can have some uptime with all 5 drones because that is currently impossible.

I manage fine uptime in the abyss which is drone rage central. Try one of the other options I listed. Like actually using your ship in some way.
Again, this is intended behaviour, it is not an issue, you are not meant to be able to always keep 100% of your DPS applied.
Every other weapon type has it’s own issues applying dps also and often applies below 100% of paper dps too.

I’m talking about havens and sanctums in nullsec, where the issue definitely does exist. Seriously you just don’t understand the issue so there is zero point trying to talk to you. A 20 to 40% damage reduction in these sites over doubles the time it takes to complete them because the rats have an opportunity to repair much more. It’s not fun and it’s not balanced. This is an indisputable fact.

Not really dude. If your drones are being focused in those sites you have the drone agro glitch. Barring that you are too far from the rats or some other nonsense that allows them to switch. Executed properly, without the glith, you can endlessly run those sites without losing a single drone. THAT is the problem with null anoms. They either need to drop stasis towers in the anoms or make the rats eat drones like you are experiencing all the time.

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Well if it’s a glitch then it needs to be fixed.

Why do low income ratters need suppressing, the problem with null sec is pretty much goons and their rorquals and supercarriers/carriers ratting under a capital umbrella and earning 100’s of millions an hour.

How am I supposed to afford PVP or anything like that if VNI ratting is considered too high of an income lol. People need to get real seriously…

It’s not active players that are the problem, it’s bots & afk ratting. It shouldn’t be that brainless.

Why is it more of a problem than the above? It’s not yet everyone seems to think that is fine.

Because scale. It’s easy to drop 10 or 20 VNIs at once if your drones are safe. Supers can’t be scaled like that.

…and then it’s easy to identify as a potential botting player.

Don’t we have to recall drones between spawns so that the npcs will focus our ships then release the dogs back out of their pen to attack?

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It doesn’t do anything, if you do this as soon as you let them attack again the rats target them.

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No, that’s not a thing.

Warp in, drop heavies, prop on, set orbit, grab popcorn…

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Okay then, I will put my hand up that I was disagreeing cause of the sake of disagreeing when I up voted the comment about “use sentry drones”

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Sentry drones aren’t worth it unless you get ship bonuses for them. Their DPS is awful otherwise.

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fix’t it

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