NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNerf drone aggro

Hi Caitlyn, there is a list of about 30 toxic forum users I have blocked. If you come across unreasonable posts I recommend using the ignore feature under user settings.

It makes the forum experience so much happier!

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I am currently into the Rattlesnake for my level 4 missions and that was also partly why I like using those.

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Completely agree with u about the drone aggro. It’s the reason why I can’t stand playing Eve partly. I don’t even log in.

They won’t nerf it though because they want to limit income and nerfing aggro would mean we get an easy ride in their eyes.

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No point in complaining on these forums. The players here don’t care and will only support their own agenda.

I’m totally with you.

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Try warping to a structure, ejecting from your ship, wait out the session change timer, get back in your ship, warp back to site and try again. Sounds like ■■■■■■■■, but if you’re glitched it’ll fix it. If not your rats are smarted than the rest of ours.


That person you’re replying to is a troll. Best to completely ignore him.

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Why I live I can’t use a rattlesnake. There are too many players trying to kill me to be worth it.

I will try this next time it happens, thank you.

Exactly. The players here recommend the stupidest ships as if you have unlimited skill training and isk to spend.

No you don’t want to spend over a billion isk and three years skilling to fly a rattlesnake that makes a few extra mill an hour.

Plus i’d much rather kill a rattlesnack than a vni, although i kill vni’s in a solo wolf…

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Exactly. I even have good carrier skills but it’s just too much of a pain trying to do sites in providence because there are so many hunters ready to drop you and virtually no hope of a defence fleet if you are caught.

That is not really why I even commented at all and I had only mentioned a Rattlesnake to close my comment regarding upvoting about sentries.

I was not about to suggest what ship to use when trying to work with the current state of drone aggro.

If I were to suggest something for the sake of suggesting then I would go with the Porpoise cause it is also really good at salvaging the kills that drones make.

I would like to add that there are many ways around this drone aggro.

Example of tested method/

Bring your alt who is skilled to fly an Obelisk that is hull tanked to ack as a meat shield along with loot carry tank out to the mission sites.

Picture proof.

NPC’s love them to bits, they instantly focus and shoot the large cup cake.


hahaha nice one.

I don’t care a whole lot what most people, and especially the likes of you, think of me actually.

How are all the other players running sanctums and havens dealing with the problem vexing you?

I have in the past krabbed up a whole lot of sanctums and havens, but used fighters rather than drones. So alright, I am not familiar with the particular drone problem you are experiencing.

Things change and players have to adapt to often less than ideal circumstances. Your complaint reminds me of when carriers were nerfed and some folks confidently declared that it was impossible to krab now with the cursed npc aggro and ccp should be thrice-damned for doing it and don’ttheyknowIpaytheirsalaries, etc., etc.

Some stopped doing that activity, some quit the game because their favorite isk faucet had been made not to their liking, and some found ways to adapt to their new circumstances and carried on.

Seems to me like maybe a similar situation…

But it’s obvious you don’t want to hear anything that doesn’t enthusiastically support your exact view on the matter, so…cool…knock yourself out…

Dang…you like that lame junk? That’s sad.
You seemed to have much promise at one time, but lately you’ve gone full troll. You’ve become what you purport to hate. That’s unfortunate. :confused:

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Drones are fun, but unfortunately they have this down side. Not that different really then the cost of ammo and the dps loss during reloading. It’s a mechanic to perfect.

As I dont know your play style it’s hard to help solve or help you with your issue. I rarely lose drones and the few I do is usally when I am willing to except the loss.

What ship or ships are you using? Do you get aggro first before launching drones? What’s your kill order?

If you are not using a drone boat that improves HP or speed and other drones abilities, have you tried using navy drones for the extra HP?

Need specifics because it’s not a game problem its definitely a player problem.

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And nobody has yet to bring up spider repping

Because it’s wrong, that’s why I don’t want to hear it. Stop treating me like I know nothing about this game, there are plenty of things I hate in this game but I know they are right so I would not ask to change them. The issue I am talking about here is an issue, it’s not how the game should work, and all I’m hearing is players with no experience of what I’m talking about and don’t even understand what I’m saying trying to tell me I’m wrong. HOW ABOUT YOU’RE WRONG, OK.

Because it’s not a viable option, that’s why I don’t bother. I’ve tried everything there is to try, and the best strategy is to dock up and not play the game. That’s why it’s an issue.