Are AIR daily goals just…gone? I wasn’t able to log on today until 0100 EVE, and I normally gather my CH daily login rewards and look to see what daily goals for the 10000 SP I can accomplish for the day (and contribute towards the monthly SP reward). Not a single daily goal was available…did I miss a patch note where they just…stopped? Or is it something that nobody else is experiencing (I DID see where someone was bemoaning the “Kill 25 NPCs” daily goal was screwy, but I’m not able to see ANY goals at all on any of my accounts or alternate characters on those accounts. Is it just for me?
I saw them today as usual.
I just figured out the problem late (Central time US) that my VPN, while allowing me to log in, cut off access to many in-game mechanics. Once I disabled my VPN completely I was able to play and use all mechanics inside the Eve client. The fact that I could do some things but not all things led to the confusion…if I’d been completely unable to even log in, the VPN would have been my first troubleshooting thought!
Great to finaly being able to convert Evermarks into Skillpoints … we need more options to use Evermarks though
Would’ve been better if they left it at 8 random choices instead of a fixed 4.