25b ready
28 bil
Bump, starting bid have been met, we will have a sell.
Bump !!!
28.5 b offer
29 bil
32.5B Offer
Few hours left !
For the winner, you can send me isk and transfer info via eve mail at the end.
cancel my offer
33b offer, looks like I’m past your deadline but I’m not seeing if this closed out?
Was closed but the last 2 bidders withdrawned.
Ok for your offer Sid Speed; i’m online now; send me isks and character info.
Sure, buying from Throwaway Alt One, will post as that toon here confirming everything then get you the isk + account info right now.
Confirming I am buying this character for 33b. Sending isk now.
Isk sent, evemail sent, please confirm when the transfer has been initiated.
Done !
I see the transfer in progress, thanks!
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