I’m guessing you’re not a minEr because if you were you wouldn’t say that you because otherwise you would understand exactly where we’re coming from
Good idea. So when all NPCs do the mining part of EVE and you cannot buy or make any ships you will see how good the idea was.
We"ll gank the npcs in ibis.
For all we know the minerals from the npc miners are already makin it to the market. If not its only a few lines of code away. Dont give ccp any ideas.
I hope CCP implements more changes to the Miner NPC’s requiring PvP’ers to get involved with clearing them from the belts.
As the majority of my time I spend mining I could see where some PVP could come into play and I’m starting to get into light PVP because it’s part of the game and I’ve just came to the realization and I accept it what would be nice if you could shoot the MPC miners without getting a criminal flag that could add some interesting additions to Fleet mining Or a solo hi security mine are with the right drones could take out the whole damn retriever Fleet
Or they could put those NPC miners where they belong - dullsec.
Let NPC miner defense fleets shoot the rorquals in anomalies and sooper doopers. The Kuvakei willtst it.
wow like thats the longest sentence ever scoobs… lol
that bisch is scary as ■■■■
The most accurate assessment in the history of Eve Online.
npc miners are doing only one thing to my gameplay : they make me log off.
LOL 10/10 meme
Bugger NPC mining fleets. Get a combat ship and some local agents, and you’ve got all the (low-end) ore you want.
npc miners only suck cause now they got backup and its not worth ganking them down for the minerals they carry…
Dealing with the NPC miners is pretty easy, just takes some effort. A single player can wipe out an entire T1 NPC mining fleet. T2 is a bit harder. Just fit a standard gank Catalyst with T2 or polarized guns and you can easily pop any T1 NPC mining ship or hauler and warp out before the response fleet even arrives. Of course you have to do this multiple times, but still, the end result is achieved.
Do this with an alt, then when all the NPC ships are dead, warp in with your mining toon and it’s all yours…
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