Null sec alliance looking for new pilots and corporations! [UK/EU/RU/US] PVP, Industry, Explo

Are you a new player, bored of life in high sec?
An old or returning player looking for some fun?
Or a corporation looking for an awesome alliance to call home?

LEGIO are now recruiting!

We are a veteran alliance, with new and experienced pilots alike.
Based in Stain and part of the RMC Coalition, we have abundant opportunities for PVP, whilst also having an area in sov space to make all of the isk!


Primarily a null sec alliance, with operations in WH space.
Great group of pilots who work well and have a laugh together, and assist others.
Plenty of opportunities for small and large scale PVP, including capital ops.
An area of space for industrial pilots to flourish.
An understanding that RL > EVE.
Our members span the time zones and speak a multitude of languages fluently, including; English, Russian, Dutch, German, Spanish and French.


10 mil minimum skill point requirement.
We require a full API for all accounts from our applicants.
Be active and join in where possible.
TeamSpeak and Discord are mandatory.
Have fun!

We’re actively looking for new members and corporations. If you’re interested, come chat to any of our recruiters in game or send me a message!

Recruitment Channel: Legio Alliance Recruitment

Come and join LEGIO today. \o/:rofl::smiling_imp:

Join LEGIO today. We have cookies. \o/

LEGIO are recrutiing <3

LEGIO are looking for more pilots and corporations.

Come and join LEGIO today. We are recruiting. We’re awesome :stuck_out_tongue: #MakeLEGIOGreat <3

LEGIO are recruiting. Drop by our public channel for more info! <3