Null sec corp is Recruiting Individuals. Corps Please read

Wh Express Inc is an Indy/mining Corp aiming towards Combat and PVP content.

We Live in Null Space and are part of a major cooperative alliance Network with regular mining and PVP ops, access to many moon pulls on a recurring schedule, and a wide range of players willing to help you become a successful NULL Pilot. Whether you are EU, RU or US, there is active content at nearly any time within the Corp and Alliance.

The Alliance we are a part of IS Rezeda Regnum, which is a Russian Alliance which as started a new chapter opening its doors to English corps as well. Great bunch of pilots all speak English. (However if your learning new languages might be a side opportunity to enhance your learning)

We are currently looking for Miners/Industry ,and PVP Players.
We operate in Catch and Immensea
What we offer:

Rich Ratting/Scanning Space

Plenty of moon mining opportunities

Next to nothing Tax. Example P.I is only 1%


Plenty of PVP Content and Compensation ship losses CTAS ETC

Strong community and cooperation

Next to nothing Tax. Example P.I 1%

What we Need

COMMS! must be able to use discord/Ts3/Mumble

Ability to listen to instructions and a willingness to learn

Basic fitting skills

Minimum 5 mil sp would be great

For more information, please contact Mojihito , Doctor Wendy hulk or Rulkez in game. You can also visit our recruitment channel, wh express. If you’re a CEO OF A Corp of any time zone Looking to join an Alliance message Pavlikx. in game

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