Fellow Capsuleer here, returning after many years of absence. Obviously the first thing I noticed is the split of Alpha and Omega pilots (new subscription model).
But I just want to be sure of a few things that I noticed in the few days I’m back to New Eden:
- Players online “only” around 30,000? In my days, there were usually 300,000 and more
- No rats in high-sec belts. Is this a normal phenomenon?
- Read about that criminal careers are no longer allowed. That was a fundamental cornerstone of New Eden. Is this no more?!
- Low and Null seem to be mostly devoid of people (did some cruises). I find that pretty strange… maybe because of X-Mas
- 70% (of said 30,000 or so online) now live in High? It used to be the other way around
- PLEXes seem to be significantly cheaper than in my time
- The new map is odd
Can someone elaborate on what happened in the past seven years and the vanished player base? By now I was hoping to see a million people online on average… since back in my day, the player numbers (active players) were constantly going up. That sucks really. New Eden seemed to have gone from a mid-sized city to a small village population-wise.