bump come fly with us

We’re growing steadily come join

Come mine some gneiss !

Just here to bump and tell ya to come check us out. Blops pvp, mining, ratting whatever your flavor!

While we are a new corp, we have awesome goals and people already so come be apart of something amazing !

Casual bump, manufacturing possible in the home hole !

ISK incentives for recruiters



Still in the market for some PVP pilots :slight_smile:

Come join the fun, better things coming

Higher class WH coming soon… join in

Thanks for having a read, come say hi !


Bump bump


Come drop on nerds with us

Looking for PvP pilots in both US and EU tz (EUTZ is pretty weak in terms of numbers atm)

Bump bump

RL first fun second everything else comes after

Bump bump bump

3 weeks in growing nicely looking for more pvpers

Still recruiting, pop into discord as the public chat tends to be dead during day due to work.