I read that a static wormhole can be kept in a state such that the signature K162 does not appear. Does merly warping to a static and loading grid cause the other side of the wromhole to spawn? Or do you actualy need to go through?
It’s been a while since I roamed WH space, so I don’t know if these mechanics have ever changed, someone else can correct me if I’m wrong.
From what I remember after testing this with a few pilots -years- ago…
- A newly spawned wormhole sig exists just as a signature until someone warps on grid for the first time
- Once the grid is spawned for the first time on warp in, the “countdown” begins for it’s lifespan
As far as the -EXIT- hole, a wormhole when it spawns has the characteristics of the hole already determined, what Class, whether it goes to HS/LS/Null/WH, and what region it connects to (you can see the regional skybox through the event horizon if you zoom in close enough).
I -believe- the K162 sig is also spawned at the other end at that time. But from a mechanics perspective, the despawn of the K162 connection is connected to the lifecycle of the entrance. When the entrance goes EOL and pops, the K162 also despawns.
The only way to really effectively test this would be to be able to ensure a newly spawned static WH sig is -not- warped to by anyone in system for over 24-36 hours. But you’d also have to maintain strict hole control to ensure no visitors come in and do it for you, and invalidate the results of the experiment.
Once a new static spawns, it’s visible as a cosmic signature only in the origin system.
The K162 and corresponding cosmic signature only spawn when that hole is jumped, or when a timer runs down. That timer length varies according to the lifespan of the hole in question, the shorter the lifespan, the shorter the timer.
As a general rule, and because I can’t be bothered to find the specifics, you have ~3-4 hours on a 24 hour hole of near certainty that K162 has yet to spawn in the destination system. It’s not “perfect safety” as statics from other systems, or wandering connections, can still spawn at any time.
This mechanic is heavily abused by wormholers when krabbing. Collapse all incoming wormholes, and start your sleeper abuse session. After 3’ish hours, if you plan to keep going, collapse the static and start the timer again. You can then keep an eye on your probe scanner window and get a modest heads up of any new sigs popping in your system. This is your cue to get safe while you figure out what that sig is and if there’s a bunch of Leshaks about to land on your krabkrew.
It’s worth noting that while in this state the wormhole is actually there in the destination system and can be seen or even jumped if you’re ongrid with it, just the cosmic signature hasn’t populated in the probe scanner window, yet.
Drifter Response Battleships have been known to warp to such “ghost holes”. Combat probe down the Drifter and you can bookmark the wormhole when you land. I’ve delivered plenty of surprise peeveepee to krabbers thanks to this mechanic over the years.
Ok so it’s jumping the hole not warping to it that spawns? Cool. That’s what I wanted to know So it’s possible to warp to the grid, bookmark it, then not worry the K162 is signature is scannable for 3 hours. And the likelihood of the anyone probing the ghost hole with combats is small enough I might see that… 3 times a decade? I’m sure sure it happens plenty of times over the game, but the odds of it happening to me aren’t that high
I’ve always just used Tequila. 60% of the time, it works 100% of the time…
This one has figured it out.
This is the last known k162 spawn mechanics: