Operational: Ending Life on Pator IV...with Triglavian Trinary Datastreams

You are a fool. Your efforts will result in nothing but proof of you own ineptitude, and this would otherwise be a laughable attempt at relevance. However, your intention to attack our home world, to cause the deaths of so many cannot be ignored, not can it be accepted. You station will burn. It will be swept from the skies above our Home Mother, and its destruction will be a beacon to Matari everywhere, a testament to our freedom and independence, that any one who dares threaten us will be quickly and swiftly be put down. I will be there to see it burn, add my own strength to ensure its destruction.

May the evil you serve devour your spirit and torment you for all eternity.

Gallentean capsuleer looking for fleet-in on this project, hmu.

Not to be the pot calling the kettle black but we should leave this to the republic to deal with?

I’m not bringing friends. just myself.
you might be able to come alone too.

Update: The Republic Fleet appears to be maintaining a watch at 0km upon the Emergent Threat Case Red Gamma Citadel over Matar consisting of:
2 Republic Fleet High Commanders (flying Tempest Hulls)
1 Republic Fleet High Captain (flying a Bellicose Hull)
1 Republic Fleet Private 1st Rank (flying a Breacher Hull)

The Republic Fleet appears to be determined to maintain exactly this level of presence, as destroyed vessels are soon replaced by another of the same class.

It is unknown at this time whether this fleet is interfering with the attempt to cause Emergent Threat Case Red Gamma Incidents of Class A, Class B, and Class AB. None of the four ships appear to have active modules.

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From the office of the Head Diplomat of Phoenix Naval System

Out of the ashes the Phoenix rises and as a new threat emerges we can no longer sit and watch things go by. The threat to Matar is being taken seriously as the threat is causing some panic in people that are worried by this. We at Phoenix Naval systems pride ourselves on being a welcoming alliance to all people of the cluster no matter what their loyalties are.whether they be Gurista, Angel, Nation, the Empire, Federation, The State or the Republic.

We pride on people being able to choose where their outside loyalties are. We all still come together under the banner of Phoenix Naval Systems to deal with emergent threats. Now one has come to Pator, some may say he is clown and not an actual threat. At this time the board of directors of the alliance have decided that this hostile citadel in Pator is a threat enough to the way of life that the Republic holds dear. Freedom to choose their own life and what they do with it. With a slaver citadel over top one of the home worlds of the Republic we have decided that the citadel must be removed.

Nauplius was given a chance to start unanchoring the citadel, but has decided to decline the offer, so at this time Phoenix Naval System in partner with loyalists of the Republic will remove this threat forcefully, with no quarter being given.


Although you are unquestionably a madman, and although I do not begrudge the sane their sanity, I would be remiss not to confess that I am fascinated by your career, New(ish) Prophet Nauplius.

Of course, I believe it best to enjoy this fascination from a safe distance…

Where are we, sweeties?

Right, Shesha. I do believe I shall continue to observe this unforeseen and truly remarkable drama from within Ishukone’s comfortable (by State standards…) laboratory warrens here in Shesha.

Assuming of course that you do not in fact trigger the Tetragrammaton Effect…


Your first delivery has arrived. I trust you found it acceptable.

Parious MeHoff
Director of Operations, IKAME
Commander, ARC


Silly me, sitting in my cubicle surrounded by Caldari graduate assistants, I couldn’t help but noodle on your proposal, Prophet Nauplius. On reading about the Triglavian technology which allows vessels to pass into Abyssal space, I couldn’t help but think some form of “d brane” spiderwebs were at work bridging the gap between spaces.

Now if (and it is a large “if”) these Triglavian Trinary Datastreams are some form of realized “string processing” information system - an accomplishment almost incomprehensible in its grandeur, but “if” - I don’t believe the effect that you propose is prohibited by the laws of physics.

And that which is not prohibited is required.

However… the requirement only comes into effect after a very large number of “chances” to materialize.

Should everything happen to still be in working order, allow me to suggest you suspend these Triglavian widgets in a magnetic field. It does not have to be a strong field. Then, spin the widgets are fast as possible. It might be possible to do this by repurposing rails guns and their ammunition.

As the “actualized d-brane memory sticks” rotate, the strings will wrap up the magnetic field, over and over and over again. This will continue until the strings snap. To say the resulting energy release would be “catastrophic” does it great injustice. It doesn’t matter how strong the initial magnetic field was. You would produce a gamma ray burst, a micro quasar, thereby vaporizing a significant portion of the planet’s crust, and quite possibly eradicating all life in the system with heretofore inconceivable levels of radiation. Shattered planets… bah! Trifling in comparison to your accomplishment! Such a weapon might even prove problematic for a giant metal eating mushroom.

Under such circumstances, CONCORD’s concern is warranted.

Ahhh, that’s unfortunate. I’d gladely go “third party” against them and wiped out Minmatar fleet with their lapdogs before finishing off his citadel.

What specifically did you give him?

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By the sounds of it, an armour timer.


This is @Oveg_Drust 's fault.


Nation… NATION…
I am surprised Blooders and rogue drones aren’t in the list. Rogue drones are blight just like a Nation. And maybe blooders aren’t so disgusting as gurista scum, they certainly on a par with Angels. Both are human traffickers.

You’re an emergent threat.

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I shall begin implementing your plans immediately, madam. The Enemy has already begun its attacks upon the Citadel, and any idea that increases the number of combinations tried before the end is appreciated.

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Who would not want to witness the birth of a quasar, even a tiny, itty bitty one of near infinite brevity? In the history of our own civilizations, only the catastrophic failure of Mother’s Gate would compare.

There would be plenty of time, years in fact, to evacuate surrounding systems.


Then how about you offer up your homeworld for this experiment?

Given that the outcomes are either 1) the threat posed by the Triglavian dataspigots is equivalent to the threat posed by Nation and the Jovian splinter cell combined; or; 2) a quasar would shine across All Creation for billions of years, I gladly offer Amarr Prime as an alternative Brilliant Point Birth System.

Oh, relax darlings! Outcome One is stratospherically more likely.

As for Outcome Two, to say “you wouldn’t know what hit you” puts it exactly right. Even if the quasar’s birth was so tumultuous as to render pod reincarnation impossible for anyone too close, I should be overjoyed to exist as a diaphanous sphere of illumination identifying the location where God’s Finger touched reality.

Sadly, I do not have the capacity to anchor structures that can be conveniently blown up, and it seems that nothing ever happens unless there is some shiny (and preferably very fsvo costly) object that can be blown up to prevent it from happening - and then all that happens is the blowing up.

It is a curious property of existence, really.

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The odds of anything actually happening to Matar are effectively zero, or else I’m pretty sure the Republic would be sparing a slightly more, uh… vigorous response. My personal confident prediction is that Nauplius is nothing more than an idiot who’s smashing the shiny things together in the vague hope they go boom. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing, and I don’t mean that in the dangerous sense of toying with forces he doesn’t comprehend: I mean that he’d be marginally more dangerous with a set of colorful wooden blocks.

That being said, idiot though he may be, he’s a genocidally murderous idiot who’s owed a heavier mountain of justice than any of us can provide. Any opportunity to sting him, however slightly, is therefore very welcome.

In the spirit of fair play, Naps, let me give you some advice: Don’t let us take you alive. I would like nothing more than to personally see to it that you get the Aritcio Kor-Azor treatment.


Pilot Cain Aloga, a devout republic loyalist in our employ, has emphatically requested an opportunity to intercede on behalf of his beloved Pator.

Who are we to refuse such a request from a valued asset?