Operational: Ending Life on Pator IV...with Triglavian Trinary Datastreams

I would like to publicly express my gratitude to the leadership of Aegis Militia for granting my request.

I have already deployed and have assets in system, ready to take part in any and all efforts to combat this monster’s efforts above the skies of the Old Mother.


The Bloody Fist has sounded the horn, your days in Pator are about to come to an end.

We come for our people!


I feel like this is actually the truth of things. I expect people to be upset, even a little apprehensive, especially those that live in Pator, but it’s incredibly unlikely that he will do anything this time. He is an evil man who has caused more death and destruction than most who have ever lived, though. So, it is prudent to blow up his stuff.


It was a fairly remarkable insight to ponder-read all of those telegram-dots and stop-think “I could blow up a planet with these.” People could at least thank the Prophet for giving them the opportunity to foil his plot.

And maybe, just maybe, that tiny little ephemeral spark of “this time it will be different” might explode in spectacular fashion.

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The Republic Fleet has had ample time to address this threat and destroy it, yet they have not yet done any more than keep a watchful eye over the situation. The fate of the innocents and baseliners below may well be protected by the Republic Fleet yet it is us, the capsuleers who have the chance to take preemptive measures to rid this threat from our skies - and that is what we shall do.

The man is clearly a deranged Blooder with even less moral justification than the Amarrians in general, he will be made to regret this as a foolish act as he has been reminded numerous times in the past. He is an enemy of the Republic and an enemy to all who value life. His sanity makes for little discussion beyond there being a clear lack of it, though his motives and actions require answered with only one thing; retaliation.


The biggest threat of this Citadel is realistically some minuscule chunks of it slipping by the orbital defence screens and hitting something important.


Not likely, Minmatar guns have really good tracking.


No fewer than eight corporations have lined up to save Matar from destruction, two of whom are so-called Amarr Loyalist. O how far have the Chosen fallen, that they would actively work against the Empire’s last, best hope of victory.

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Nine, you pusillanimous sack of diseased offal.

On a related note: All entities with active or pending wars against this filth have docking and cloning access to the Raitaru on-grid with the Astrahus. This is to facilitate jump-clone placement and implant variation if needed. No fees will be charged for this facility.


Appreciated, Ms. Stjornauga.

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I think the most interesting thing about this whole incident, is seeing how many people actually put even a shred of faith in the republic governments ability or willingness to do… well… anything really. let alone to respond to some sort of “grave threat” in any sort of timely, or effective manor. Frankly given the sheer incompetence we see from the republic on a regular basis i’m surprised we don’t hear more about critical toilet paper shortages in parliament as the politicans struggle to figure out wiping their own ass.

I wouldn’t hold my breath for, well, anything to happen. This “threat” is about the same level as him vigorously rubbing two teenagers diaries together hoping to destroy the planet, in fact that may be a slightly more credible threat, since with enough friction he may in fact be able to achieve combustion.
on the flip side, the republic aint going to do ■■■■, hell, even during the kyonoke incident, an ACTUAL threat, they barely managed to do ■■■■ about it.

I swear to grief, I leave you all alone for a week


So, sir?

You’re speaking with great certainty, although there is actually some data (to wit, “CONCORD acting worried”) suggesting that large stockpiles of those things become dangerous at some unspecified point. It’s not clear how or why; just that CONCORD has some concerns, which they (or more specifically “he”-- Captain Drust, whose worries about a large ARC stockpile are Mr. Nauplius’s current inspiration) haven’t explained beyond alphabetical designations and code words.

There might really be a danger. We just don’t know what or why.

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The problem there is that Republic Security Services can’t really touch him until he does something. Until his criminal acts rate a lowering of his security rating, he’s CONCORD’s problem, and CONCORD has consistently failed to act.

One of the inconvenient things about being ‘the law’ is that ‘the law’ has to actually adhere to the law.

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Concord has shown itself time and again to be extremely skittish about any sort of new technology… or more specifically, anything that capsuleers may have access too without them getting access to it first.

some sort of nebulous “oh, these things might be dangerous, you should totally hand them over to us” doesn’t strike me as convincing of anything other than concord wanting, as per usual, to have a monopoly over any potential new tech.

So, sir? I don’t think there are a lot of people here who think failing to find a horrible scenario “convincing” is a good reason to help Mr. Nauplius as he tries to make it happen.

It’s not about being persuaded. It’s about not helping carry out large-scale human experimentation on the assumption that the experiment will harmlessly fail.

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well, so far all the ones collected by ARC have yet to generate any reality destroying explosions. and as I mentioned earlier, my own, rather accidental “experiments” didn’t yield any more damage than some dented floor-plates.
if he’s willing to pay well enough for my over-supply of the things, then why the hell not let him try. either nothing will happen, in which case my pockets are lined, and he is left with less isk to do anything like this in future with. or it will work, in which case the scientific breakthrough of the millenia has been achieved.
What does it matter if he’s doing it over pator, or some other planet.

If you would rather do whatever the hell you want with them some where safer, and are willing to offer me a better price than him. then problem solved.

But may have generated some 100+ ship Drifter fleets, which might present a danger to vessels in space.

I suspect you have ancestors who would beat you bloody for that statement. Also, if you have a stockpile you’re looking to sell, talk to Alizabeth. I hear she’s buying, to see if she can get a few hundred Drifters boson’d.

so then if he gathers enough of them, the drifters will get interested, and likely solve the ‘problem’ for us… again i’m failing to see any real downside here.

I suspect that if my ancestors had any strong feelings about me whatsoever, they would have stepped in long before now.

I may just do that, nauplius has been… unreliable… in the past, and i’ve got a growing pile of these things and the semiosis semiconductors that I don’t have much use for.

The most sensible statement in this thread to date. The reality destroying explosion is extraordinarily unlikely, and while the Prophet is busy doing this, he is not blowing up freighters loaded with slaves. The expected outcome is clearly positive.

If all bets prove off and his work does in fact produce a cataclysmic, if brief, tear in spacetime, anyone who says they wouldn’t be fascinated and amazed by that is a pusillanimous (damn good word, that) liar.

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