A figure appears on various screens around Port Sarum, as well as those in smaller settlements around Raravoss. She is standing, dressed in an archaic appearing suit of Khanid armour, a pair of Triglavian helmets resting on one hip, the rope holding them to her going through two holes through the visors. A golden light appears where her left eye should be.
People of Raravoss.
I am Arline Oniseki-Kley, Paladin of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order.
I stand here, broadcast into your homes, into squares and into temples. I am here to tell you that the Empire has NOT forgotten you. As of 5 hours ago, 3 antimatter devices detonated within Triglavian storage silos. The result of this attack was the total annihilation of the silos and their contents. This attack was planned in advance and supported by the resistance forces, assisted by Lady Crow, we are actively fighting back against the invaders.
This will be a long and difficult time for us in Raravoss. The Holder of this planet fled, as have so many others and abandoned their lands and their duties to save their own skin, to live forever as destitute holders and cowards. Those that have remained and fought against are to be commended, and I salute them. Those Holders that have cowered in their palaces and homes, hoping to ride out the storm with no repercussions, you shall face my wrath as much as any traitor that has sided with the Triglavians.
This leaves us with a decision that I have thought long and hard over.
As of today, I am proclaiming myself, pro-tempore, Holder of Raravoss. I know that I am only of common birth, but as no other of the remaining nobles have stood up to take that mantle on as their own in these trying times, I have risen to that challenge. My holdership shall be surrendered once the Triglavian invaders have been eradicated and this system returned to the majesty that is the Amarr Empire and a true Holder can be proclaimed to run this planet. I refuse the promises of True Holdership, but during this trying time a singular leader is needed.
To those outside of Raravoss, this message is a simple one. I plan to bring this planet back into the light, even with those that sit with folded hands and become blind. To Lord Sarum, I apologise for the actions that I have taken today, but the lack of effort by the Holders on this planet to formulate a unified front against the invaders has forced my hand.
The footage of her standing is replaced with combat footage of the resistance fighting on, with the casualties of the Triglavians being covered, whilst losses from the resistance fighters are minimised. The footage then flicks to what appears to be an upload from Arlineâs own point of view, her combat stylings a cross between Khanid historical movements crossed with the physical movements used by those that practise Kutuoto Miru. Her voice continues as a voiceover
My loyalties are to God, Empress and Empire. The actions I have taken are solely my own, and I seek no retributive actions against the Order. Upon my return, I shall accept any and all punishments that Lord Sarum directs of me.
To all the Triglavian forces on Raravoss, be they direct combatants or those that have spat upon their oaths of loyalty - I shall pile your corpses high, a bloody testament to your misgivings that I would stand by and let this place be ravaged⌠I am Imud Habrau, the one that your forces have no hope against. If needed, I will see this planet burn brightly from pole to pole to deny you a place of refuge.
Amarr Victor.
the transmission cuts out