Operational: Ending Life on Pator IV...with Triglavian Trinary Datastreams

No, I would be neither fascinated, nor amazed by the destruction of all life on my people’s homeworld. Adjectives I might use tend more toward ‘enraged’ and ‘murderous’, and I would likely begin taking measures to inflict thousands of millennia of suffering, personally, bodily, upon him and everyone else in this thread who has advocated tolerating his crap.



out of curiosity… is it that planet in particular that would enrage you? or is it just the concept of a planet being wiped out in general, cuz in the grand scheme of things, even the population of a planet is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who die on a daily basis, many of them as a direct or indirect result of empyrean actions.
and if it is that planet in particular, why? what makes that particular ball of dirt special, and why should the lives of those living on that one be of any more importance than the trillions of others elsewhere?
is your rage reserved for natives of the planet? or do those who migrated there count as well, what about those born there who then leave and get killed in an unrelated incident, do you spare particular levels of outrage for them?

A personal response (and not meant to speak for Arrendis):

I live on “that planet,” dipshit. As do my family, my clan, many of my friends, my business contacts, and everything I grew up knowing.

It’s the Matari homeworld. This has already been explained. Matar is the beginning and end of everything for most of us. We draw our spirituality from her. Not to mention the billions of people and the countless relics of our lives and history.

And if our orbit had been invaded by someone more competent than Nauplius, that would be beyond an act of war. But it isn’t, so we’ll just let him destroy himself and enjoy the resultant fireworks.


Would be great if these explosions actually happened and wiped out both ARC and Nauplius.

I would be outraged over such a crime intentionally being committed against any planet.

I would not, however, be enraged, especially not to the same degree, no. It is not the deaths of people living there, or people from there, that inspire such rage. It is the intentional killing of that many people, for the crime of being Minmatar, and being the homeworld of the Matari people.

It is that this is being attempted by someone who does it in the name of the cause that first attacked us, that shattered our peaceful culture. It is being attempted by a devotee of the faith and credo that took a people who had moved beyond hate and violence, and abused and mutilated us enough to make precisely those things an indelible part of who we have become. And it is being done in the name of that cause.

What’s more, my family lives in that system. And he knows that. He knew that before he decided not to unanchor the astrahus. He knew that because I told him that, when I asked him to remove it.

Beyond that, your grasp of the scope of the death this would inflict is… a bit ridiculous.

There are approximately ten trillion people in the Republic. 10,000 billion. 5 billion (again, a LOW estimate) deaths every day would mean fully 18.25% of the Republic would die every year.

1 person in every 5.5.

Even if the full cluster were 5x the population of the Amarr Empire, on the order of 100 trillion souls, 1 person in every 55 does not die annually. And that’s assuming that any such gamma burst as the blooder idiot is suggesting would happen doesn’t kill anyone on the other terran planet in the system. Or the other three openly-habitable (2 storm, 1 ocean) worlds. Or the habitats on the three barren worlds. Or any of the stations.

By the way? A GRB is deadly out to about 50,000 parsecs. 50,000 parsecs is roughly 160,000 light-years. That’s about 1,500x the distance from one end of the cluster to the other. (ZDYA-G to 3-QYVE: 112 LY)

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alright, I can see why it would be of personal importance to you, since its where you live. that makes sense.

This is the part I don’t understand, yeah its where our race developed, but it could just as easily have been any other planet, and its been thousands of years since we left for the stars and scattered all over the place. the destruction of the planet wouldn’t wipe out our people, hell more of our people still live in the amarr empire than in the republic as a whole, let alone that one planet.

so why would that particular planet enrage someone who doesn’t live there more than any other planet is what i’m trying to grasp.

Well if thats the case, then it doesn’t really matter where he performs his experiments then does it, if he succeeds none of us will be around to reprimand him for it, except maybe those in the abyss or anoikis.

I’ll bow to your expertise on that, never learned history growing up, and its never been a high priority for me since then. either way, a long ass time, long enough for many of us to not have had any relatives born there in living memory.

It’s been barely one thousand years since the Amarr invaded. It’s been less than 3 centuries since we gained our independence and reclaimed our homeworld.


It is good to see people thinking big. Perhaps the Triglavian streams are entangled. When one set goes off, all of them do. That would destroy every trade hub in the cluster.

That would inarguably be to the betterment of All Mankind.

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It would wipe out our history. Every single one of us can trace our lineage back to Matar. The pieces of our thousands of years of history, the geographic locations that shaped our cultures, all irreplaceable artifacts — on Matar.

Not to mention that Matar is still the center of many Republic operations, so her loss would be, at best, a significant disruption to our way of life.

But you strike me as the sort of person who can find value only on the soles of your feet, so whatever. I’m mostly explaining this for the benefit of anyone else who might be curious.


And yet both you and Squash the Blooder have been saying ‘hey, let him do it, what’s the worst that could happen?’

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if it works, and thats a BIG if, then I’m not gonna be around to worry about it. other than, if i have time for one last thought, to be mildly impressed that he managed to prove me wrong in such a grandiose fashion.

however there are megolomaniacs coming up with universe ending schemes all over the cluster, if none of them have succeeded up till now, its not much more likely that this particular one will succeed, and if we spend all our time worrying about what some nutjob somewhere might do we’re not gonna get a hell of a lot done otherwise.

If it works, and it releases a GRB, then that GRB will obey the laws of physics. Which means it will take 112 years to go 112 light years. So you’d be able to run and hide for 80 years or so. Theoretically, even longer, if you could time an abyssal dive correctly to jump a capital ship from outside the GRB to inside the GRB.

Then there’s also the question of whether the GRB will be spherical or axial jets—in which case, it would simply leave a lifeless slice through the cluster in both directions.

So: what kind of odds do you think are worth risking billions to trillions of lives, rather than just saying ‘this hateful, feckless, pathetic person should not be screwing with this kind of thing’?


The “worst that could happen” is amazing; while the expected outcome amounts to the death of a tiny fraction of one person. Net positive. Yes, yes, it is impossible to state precisely how “micro” the postulated tear in reality would be, so it “could” eradicate all life in the galaxy.

That would be even more amazing and quite simply The Will Of God.

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I will admit that my case is unique. My home is Tanoo II, in the Ammatar Mandate, officially under the governorship of Lord Arim Ardishapur. Recently, Empress Catiz issued a mandate declaring me an “attainted heretic” and stripped me of being “Ammatar.” In two sentences, my parents and my older brother’s family were forced into hiding on the planet they once called home, and what property we had managed to accumulate was confiscated by planetary authorities working with the Ministry of Internal Order and the Order of Saint Tetrimon. My family faces slavery on Tanoo II if not the death penalty simply for being related to me. I no longer have legal standing as a citizen of the Ammatar Mandate; I have been rendered a stateless actor protected only by the Yulai Conventions.

The only true “home” my family and I can now turn to is the ancestral homeland of the Nefantar Tribe, the beacon of which, is the very planet that this madman threatens to destroy. It is the same beacon for the trillions of Matari who yet are bound by the chains of the Empire, either literally or by the religion of the corrupt Amarr Orthodox Rite. Just because it holds no meaning to you does not negate its value to all other Matari.

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And now Squashbrain is eagerly hoping for the eradication of all life in the cluster.


well if we’re gonna go with the value of human life, whatever that may be. i still think this is a net win, since the chances of his theory even being correct in the first place are marginal at best, and then the chances of him successfully managing to pull it off before he pisses someone off enough to blow up his station are even smaller.
This plan is far more likely than not to waste a good amount of his resources, and potentially months if not years of his time before he fails or gets bored, and is likely to result in zero deaths. meanwhile, we know that he IS competent enough to pull off blowing up freighters full of slaves, which does result in thousands of deaths. now granted, there is a miniscule potential that this may somehow work, likely more by accident than design. but that is still far better odds than the deaths he is capable of otherwise.

This wastes next to none of his resources. He’s a capsuleer. How many Astahusen could you or I put up in a week, given where we live and the resources we have access to? He’s been doing this for at least half a decade that I know of, and now, unlike the days when he was putting towers on moons, Upwell’s asset safety system ensures he loses only the structure… which isn’t really all that pricey.

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and how many slaves and freighters could he buy for the same price?

Freighter runs about the same price as the astra.

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