[Outer Path] Angel FW - Take Care of Your Friends, Take Care of Your Enemies

Take Care of your Friends, Take Care of your Enemies


Outer Path initially existed not as a corp, but an informal group acting as a guiding hand for their own interests with membership within various entities. The group has since developed Outer Path as a combat focused entity utilizing small gang mobile warfare and blending it with covert and infiltration stratagems. Trading in intelligence, narcotics and wetwork, Outer Path has developed a network of informal contacts and relationships contributing to its adaptiveness and resolve.

About Us

OPATH has been a long time Angel Cartel loyalist corp. We primarily operate using a hit-and-run approach to combat utilizing agile pirate and faction ships with EWAR support. In larger fleets we seek out roles that allow us to be a force multipliers such as tackle, anti-support and electronic warfare. Preferring quality over quantity we are looking to selectively recruit higher SP people with experience and talent to match. Move fast, hit hard.

For the past year OPATH has been in the service of the Caldari State providing guidance, training, and taking up specialty roles in fleets. Despite our few numbers we certainly punch up. The new Havoc expansion allows us to “return” to the Angel Cartel and take a lead in pirate FW. We seek people who can “make things happen” and not just wait to be told what to do. The majority of or time will be spent in lowsec participating in Pirate FW, but expect forays into null, wh, and with enough corruption even hs areas as we seek out our victims.

Our Culture

We seek to improve our game and help each other do well. No one is going to bite your head off for taking a loss in a fight. But there’s no “lol let’s welp” carelessness either. Expect constructive criticism. IRL comes first but we want people who want to play the game and improve. What can I do to create opportunities for both myself and my comrades both during engagements and in the larger context? We need people who consider things in such a manner. Our corp supports one another as we continue to strive toward our objectives be they in FW or contracts we may take as mercenaries. We take care of our friends, and we take care of our enemies.

OPATH offers:

-Tight knit mature community
-Strike and evade nano style of gameplay
-Goal oriented pvp content
-Constantly seeking to improve
-Talent and experience without the toxic elitism attitude
-IRL First

OPATH is looking for:

-Good attitude
-Proven small gang history (We’ll talk)
-A Pirate ship to V or EWAR frig to V or Recon to V
-Able to fund and use mid/high grades and drugs
-Financially self sufficient
-Black Ops/Capital is a plus

We don’t care so much about SP as we do about capability. For example if all you could fly was a level V Keres, were active, can damp the proper targets and stay alive, you’re good to go.

We’re looking to be dedicated to the whole Deathless faction thing. Short of a really good reason this is where this corp will settle for the foreseeable future.

Currently we are mostly US TZ but we’re looking to expand our EU capabilities. Open to an EU equivalent OPATH merging into us.

Outer Path will in the next 30-60 days likely create its own alliance and seek out Angel Cartel loyalist member corps of similar mindset to compliment our capabilities.

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Great corp and a place I’m happy to be. A cut above the rest. Come fly with OPATH and see what we’re all about.

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Solid group of skilled pilots. Solid choice for anyone looking for FW

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OPATH is looking to recruit about 2-3 individuals with the qualifications above.

OPATH is looking to recruit about 2-3 individuals with the qualifications above.

OPATH is looking to recruit about 2-3 individuals with the qualifications above.

OPATH is looking to recruit about 2-3 individuals with the qualifications above.

Great group of pilots and looking to add other great pilots to our numbers. Come fly with us.

Looking for a handful of skilled recruits.

Looking for a handful of skilled recruits.

Looking for a handful of skilled recruits.

Looking for skilled recruits for Angel Cartel FW! Join the Deathless Net community server as well!

i got all that and more also interested…

only issue i have is im npc kos in matar and gal space,

I ave repaired my angel cartel standings.

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