This was suppose to be updated so we can add skin designs to the new corp and alliance sections but I’m not seeing how to do that? Anyone else figured this out yet?
It’s on the Sell Skin interface, under the Availability tab (to the right), for the corp restricted sales.
Looks something like this:
I have not yet found anything for alliance exclusive sales; but I’m not in an alliance, so that may affect my available options in SKINR.
ahh ok thank you. I was under the impression we could just create the design and save it to corp/alliance and that it would be up to those members to make it themselves if they wanted it.
Ah, I misunderstood your question. The answer is yes, you can do this.
You create your design and drag it into, well in my case, I drag the design into my chat channel. Just click the desired pattern icon and drag.
That will look something like this:
I have not tried dragging the link into a corp bulletin or something like that, but you can definitely set up a chat channel and put the link(s) into the MOTD.
But, if you have permissions, I see no reason you cannot put the design into a corp bulletin.