Part of the botting problem? Simultaneous Alpha Logins remain unfixed

In the Amarr Minmatar War Zone there are currently about 30 frigate bots all using the same routine. Atrons Merlins and Incursus. I can kill one about every 6 minutes

tired of seeing just vni’s in nullsec, i mean technically thats imbalanced right?
Only its not the ship, its the anoms and so, how do we stop this form happening? simple, have the site spawn random numbers of spider drones :slight_smile:

now go afk ya feckers :stuck_out_tongue:


there already are webs in the sites. They don’t do much, your drones can kill them. not sure if spider drones would be that harder. I like that idea though.

theyre really hard to hit unless your using rapid lights or light drones and they web hard, probably as hard as a daredevil.

They wouldnt be a big issue for player but im not sure about bots - im presuming they would be because it would be a
‘if this turns up pull drone and relaunch lights’ type command BUT with the way ratting vni’s are designed (the fits) it would probably kill them and make people turn to different fits and ships - like the game should be.


my understanding of botting is incredibly limited, but i understand the common 100mn ratting vni fit.

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Bots would have problems with anything random that happens, it could potentially check for being webbed and launch light drones to counter but that is asking a lot from a bot from what I have seen. The criteria is make it more difficult for bots without making it more difficult for players so without actually examining the specific site it is hard to say what effect that would have. It would be better if there was a solution that didn’t mean CCP has to rewrite all content.

spider drones feature in many missions, they can be a bit of a ballache as it usually means you have to actually watch what your doing and start tanking rather than kiting; and there lies the key as the vni’s are fitted mostly to sig tank with oversize abs, being webbed hard would cause them to die real fast thus ending that way of ratting, for the most part.

Since ECM has been sent to sing castrato is there any need for drones to have auto aggro setting ?

i think so yes.

What ? I mean unless you are afk they shoot the wrong thing usually.

my comment still stands, yes they should have auto aggro; i mean sure its not hard to press f and i do that a lot in a rattlesnake but when i use gecko for example its often for mopping up and so im happy to let him do its thing for a bit.
But even in pvp it will have its uses.

If they keep shooting everything is eventually the right thing to shoot in a site.

Yes it has some very small advantages like it will fight before you have targeted something that ambushes you and you can make a cuppa while your drones are killing everything but sites that you can literally do the whole thing AFK is it really worth having auto aggro in the game ?

You could have the NPCs kill the drones every now and then. I’m sure I have seen them do that in some sites . But you are really looking for something that affects botters but a player isn’t going to be too vexed by it.

Edit : Plus might be Gurista ships where the drones are tougher than the ship. Does anyone AFK in those ? I have doubts

fullheartidly support this, simultaneous alpha accounts should be banned from game, or at the very least restricted to 3-5

They are. you arent allowed to log an alpha in with any other account. It’s just known to be possible to cheat this.

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