Patch Notes for 18.04 Releases

You realize internally they refer to deadspace pockets as dungeons, right? :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s all for you - bro … that you would lose your freyters/ships and bought for plex)))))))

That’s all for you - bro[s] … that you would lose often your freighters/ships and bought ALL it for plex))))))).
After all this patches I noticed, they started to completely block ALL my market orders, sent bots/pirates/suicidals intentionally to kill my vsls…I’m seriously considering not renewing OMEGA status now(((((((

I will not be renewing my subscriptions. After the nerf on T3 cruisers I found it hard to adjust to wormhole living, everything got more expensive but it was still possible because their use in other areas was supposedly unbalanced. Then the major nerf to upwell structure reinforcement made protecting them inside wormholes practically impossible. I took a break from playing but kept my subscription active hoping that CCP would see sense. Now with the nerf to resistances without a corresponding nerf to NPCs makes my entire worm holing life style impossible and certainly no fun. Two subscribed accounts since 2008. The only way I can vote to get change is with my wallet.


Bye, can I have your stuff ?

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When can we expect the new citadel al multiple-hit weapon ships?

Yep :laughing:, though that at least makes some sense still in context. I genuinely died a little inside seeing the “stances” case there.

Edit: Oh god. I just double checked and it still says stances instead of modes. :facepalm: I think it’s official, we need a bug report category for patchnote errors. :rofl:

The stance is the internal term used for what is displayed as “modes” in the game.
name : “stanceSwitchTime”
displayname : “Cooldown between mode switching”

There is no bug on that article. They use dev reports of what they did, and here devs reported with dev language, in which there is no T3Dmodes but T3Dstances.

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Noooo Horde same problem !!! I unsub all acc. Beside 1 that I plex now with all the isk I have to I run out , Then sadly is game over !!!

Wait a minute. Today I get Capsuleer day rewards and I have ONLY 8 DAYS LEFT???

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Keep it handy, it’s a classic! :wink:

Yes, no 350K SP for you.

Any patch notes for today?

All I know is that I still have 150k skillpoints in my inventory that I cant use even after the patches…

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They said ( that those skill points will be transferred to the redeem folder on Friday’s downtime, and usable after the weekend.



I can confirm. After Fridays downtime, the SP were in my reedem window and then went directly to my character. Problem solved.

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Why!? Why should I inject a temporary SKIN of ship that I can’t fly!? Why!??? What’s the point of this ####?


Join me and the others who’ve been deleting every temporary skin and inject-automagically drug they’re giving us on all 3 accts every day. It’s like a new login tax (on our time).

I’m keeping the BPCs, though. I have a can with random miscellaneous blueprints I’ll never build, it’s just a souvenir bin essentially. MORE FOR THE PILE!


I just started redeeming all to cut down on time wasted, as long as they do not start spamming me on the expiration of the skins, meh. I still don’t use them as they are always for ships I have no intention of flying…