Patch Notes for 18.04 Releases

Don’t forget you can just trash them instead (there’s a tiny trash-bin at the bottom left of the redeem window).

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Yeah, but then you’ll show up as a person who’s happy (redeemed all gifts) in their stats… deleting the ones you don’t want will make more of a statement, hopefully someone’s going to look at the stats from this once this is over and say “huh… maybe 7 day skins and really bad auto-inject-in-a-station-only (instead of when you might actually need them) drugs weren’t such good presents after all”…

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Trying to make sure I don’t delete the few useful things this provides I just let them expire.
I live where there are no stations available to dump this stuff so I’m very glad the skill injector things have stopped even though since that foolish nerf to resistance, I sorely need them.

Yah, the drugs are useless, I can just imagine asking your friendly neighborhood gate (or in my case wormhole) camp for 20 minutes or so while you find a station to take them in,
Us: “WAIT! Don’t kill me! I need to get high first, let me find a wormhole out of here and I will come back to die when I’m nice and toasty!”
Them: “No.”

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yeah, I thought about just letting them expire, too, but… there’s a new one every day… boy would that redeem queue be getting messy by now. we’re around day 40 of this now.

They only last a few days, I think I have seven things rotting in there. The older they get the more they stink, the more they stink the less you like incessant blinking and distracting red stuff in the UI.


All these daily login gifts make this game look like a bad android game that is just begging you to login everyday. It’s not like there’s that much competition in space-simulation MMO. It’s not why I’d play this game. So why? Really! Why? Enough with this nonsense skins, useless BPC and never ending skill points progress bar.


Oh, I mostly agree. Although I don’t mind the SP (it takes 30 days for the bar to fill up, btw… at least, it took 30 days the first time… we’re coming up on the 60 day mark since this began in the coming week).

But CCP apparently feels this will increase their login #s or something.

Me, I prefer a (good) event to get people interested in logging in more often, like the ones we had in 2015, 2016, 2017… before things went downhill in 2018.


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