Pathfinder Issue

I am having problems using Pathfinder - it’s going to be something dumb that I am not grasping. Could anyone help me out please?

I use Google Chrome with it, which is one of the 2 recommended browsers.

My issue is that I can’t seem to manipulate the map the way it is intended. For one, I can’t left click and drag in order to pan the view - I am forced to use the scroll bars. Secondly, I can’t get to the right click menu where you can delete/add systems - right clicking in my case just brings up the normal browser menu (back, reload, etc). Finally, even if I can select systems using left click, I can’t use any of the keyboard shortcuts to delete them (the shortcuts instead use Chrome’s settings - i.e. ctrl-D adds a site bookmark).

It’s like the program doesn’t truly focus properly but I don’t know if there is something I need to do in order to do so.

Would love any insight! Cheers!

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If this is about a 3rd party app then you probably want to post your question into 3rd Party Developers. You could also try asking on GitHub

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