So finally after many years of seeing Eve Online grow I think I am ready to dive into the game. I am typically a PvE seeking individual and find the market very interesting. I’ll probably be a space 18-wheeler / space trader. PvP will be a second thought for me.
Looking for EU Timezone. I’ll be in Germany.
I have discord, and prefer to stick to just discord. I do not like Teamspeak too much.
HMU: ArbsAhoy#4078
I’m going to pause my recruitment until further notice. Thank you all who have responded.
would roleplay be something that you might be interested in or considder to try out?
If you do i might have a spot for you in my idea that i am developing.
There is a discord link close to the end if you wish to hop on there to have a Q&A discussion with me.
There is alot to learn within the game and truthfully i still do learn alot but still teach other what i can to help them out and i hope they do the same.