Perfect Links 30m SP T3/Command Ships WTS

Perfect links toon with 30m SP (except mining because boring).

Skill Sheet:

  • Can perfectly fly T3 Cruisers and Command Ships.
  • 30m SP
    *250k unallocated SP
    *Remaps available
  • Clones
    *Federation Navy Command Mindlink with +4 training implants
    *Republic Fleet Command Mindlink (in lowsec NPC station)
  • A face only a mother could love
  • ISK Positive
  • No Kill Rights
  • Located in Jita 4-4
  • Positive Sec Status
  • Perfect support toon for WWBee!

I feel it’s a waste to just extract him but I won’t sell for under extraction value.

you have to create the post by the character being sold… so you have to make this post with Jay Akachi

Weird because i sold a few here already without having to do that. Since this is the account on the forums and associated with my email that’s registered on the forums.

See, i own him… Surprise! lmao

Doesn’t matter “how” you thing character sales works; I suggest you read CCP’s rules on character sales which are posted here:

Before posting, please be aware that any sales threads posted by characters that are not the character being sold will be locked and/or deleted.

Proof of ownership of the character comes in the form of the character that is being sold making the sales thread in which people can bid for it.

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YoYoMommy - this is the 2nd time in a week you have posted a WTS ad for a character that is not the same as the seller…closed

Before posting, please be aware that any sales threads posted by characters that are not the character being sold will be locked and/or deleted.

Proof of ownership of the character comes in the form of the character that is being sold making the sales thread in which people can bid for it.