Perfect pilot 83,4 M SP

NPC corporation, high sec location
No kill rights or jump clones
Wallet green
Start 70 b

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Can you consider this price of 60bil?

my friend, you have wounded me to the depths of my heart with such a low price.

OH,I didn’t mean it.But the skill price is not good now.

I understand that, but this pilot is not worth less than 70b.

Can you consider this price of 70bil?

If no one else offers, then I’ll sell to you.


When can I trade

All right, I’ll take your bet, let’s do it.

Wait a minute. I’ll register a number to trade with you.

I will use this account to trade with you. Please send me the role that needs to be transferred.

I don’t understand what role you’re talking about.

according to the rules you must transfer to my character isk and send a message in game to which account I should send my pilot to

I have finished transferring the money and editing the email.

I have sent an email and transferred the money to buy the account.

I have sent an email and transferred the money to buy the account.

Ok im confused?

@Large_lemon is @Ikra_Anzomi an alt of yours?

Yes, these are both my account numbers.

Well you only need to post that one character has sent their account info and isk. You with your alt makes it look like 2 characters sent isk.