Still Recruiting, Online now.
Still recruiting
Finally the Exam season is finished! Celebrate the start of Summer by joining the best god damn wormhole alliance in EVE*
*Opinion based comment
Recruitment Still Open
We’re still going strong ladies and gents!
We are still recruiting.
We have now opened up our 2nd alliance for a more casual play style. Sugar. Affiliates!
We are still recruiting!
We’re still open for recruitment… What are you waiting for?
Recruitment is still open. Chad Wormhole Corp. We swear
Still Recruiting.
We are still recruiting
Recruitment is still open. Also check our Sugar Affiliates
Recruitment is still open
Recruitment still open
Recruitment is still open
Any minimum skillpoints for applying?
We usually recommend about 15m SP, but we’re happy to take on anyone with lower SP if they’re willing to learn.
We have programmes set up for scouting during our site running that’ll help you pay for Skill Injectors to get into our doctrine ships faster
We are still recruiting
Recruitment is still open! Be ■■■■ with better people! as they say
Recruitment still open