Sugar. are looking for new up and coming or currently existing Corps to join our Affiliate alliance. With solid support structures, fly with the main SUGAR. Alliance on large scale ops, while still acting as your own independent Corp! Wanna move your corp into wormhole space? Our dedicated team will help you find a new home to settle!
What we offer:
Foundations of a growing community
No Mandatory Ops
Opportunities for Large Scale Ops
Support Planning + Wormhole Defense Help
Experienced players always available for any of your wormhole concerns/questions. Extensive fittings list, wormhole mapping, protection and site running guides.
I mean hey, we’re not the most amazing wormhole alliance out there (yet KEKW), but we’re pretty chill, extremely dedicated, and have the finest rum in all the land.
For any questions, contact Gbuz in game or on Discord at Gbuz#3311
We have recruited our first 3 Corps to the Alliance! If you’re looking to break into wormhole space, or already are living there and want a community behind you, join Sugar. Affiliates today!
Honestly, if you’re a lonely wormhole group who like to shoot stuff every now and then at a whim, and are not yet in an alliance, you’d be stupid not to at least chat with me about joining SUGAR. Affiliates.
Hey GBUZ dont know what sort off corps you are lookin for ?
i started my own corp with just my alts as was not getting on with other corps directorship and they way they did stuff.
give me a pm ingame or a mail to see if i will fit youre alliance mate.